From The American Thinker:
November 01, 2010
Day of Reckoning
Richard Pecore
A sense of entitlement is a powerful thing. It led Democrats to believe they were invulnerable to public opinion and seduced them into believing they could do all manner of things in contravention to the Constitution and the established rule of law. They believed they could do these things without consequences -- or at least, serious consequences; and that the wave of animosity against the polices of George W. Bush that swept them into office, would insulate them from any fallout from their votes.
They were wrong.
Almost immediately after his inauguration, Obama turned the reins of his legislative agenda over to the most radical far left leadership in American history, led by Nancy Pelosi from the California 8th District of San Francisco, and Harry Reid from Nevada, which based upon state population, is to essentially say, Las Vegas.
This is the regional viewpoint forced upon America as a whole in secrecy, with backroom deals, massive taxation, and uncontrollable spending. Democrats, banded together from all over the country, like mindless lemmings marching in lockstep over the cliff, willingly went along. Now they not only refuse to stand on their records, they must hide from them.
Over 56% of Americans strongly support the Tea Parties. Over seventy percent identify favorably with them. There is a reason for that. America is a center-right nation. We have seen with our own eyes, how the left chooses to govern. They use the iron fist. They choose to employ trickery, chicanery, obfuscation, dishonesty, bribery, thuggery and outright lies to bend, twist, convalute, ram through or otherwise forcibly enact legislation -- not of, by and for the People, but in spite of the People.
The House of Representatives is currently comprised of 435 Members (256 Democrats, 178 Republicans, and 1 vacancy in FL-19). The Senate is composed of 57 Democrats, 41 Republicans, and 2 Independents (who reliably vote with Democrats).
Consider that between these two figures, 40% of America's duly elected representatives have been effectively silenced by the House and Senate leadership for two full years. Yet the media and the Democrats continue to scream at the top of their lungs that the Republicans have been obstructionists; that they have stopped the Democrats from doing even more. The Republicans had insufficient numbers to stop anything. Every new piece of legislation we have seen come out of Washington is clear evidence of that.
They have not just been omitted from the process. They have been actively excluded from participating in the committee meetings, strategy sessions, drafting or review of legislation that now accounts for more debt at one time than the nation has previously accumulated in its 234 years of existence and consumes 62% of our GNP. It will also cost more. Far more than the current $4 Trillion of spending and $14 Trillion dollars in debt that we, our children, and our grandchildren have spent before we earned it.
Stated more plainly, a full forty percent of Congress has been prevented from participating in the representative process in any meaningful way. The current U.S. Census clock declares our population to now be an estimated 310,000,000 Americans. This means at the very least, 124,000,000 American voices have been removed from the legislative process and could not voice our views. This of course, does not include all the Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and Democrats in the purported current 186,000,000 "represented" Americans who suffered buyer's remorse after discovering they'd bought a pig in a poke. Just because a Congressman or Senator represents you, does not mean your voice is being heard -- or paid attention to.
We are angry. We want our money back, and we want our country back. The resulting tidal wave that will sweeps scores of Democrats from office is still being understated by the leftist media in a desperate last ditch attempt to stem the tide.
The election night watch parties all over the country should make for a much greater comedy show than the feeble Stewart/Colbert nonsense put forth on the National Mall.
Democrats are whistling in the dark past their own political graveyards on All Hallows Eve.
Never in my lifetime has the federal government ruled so directly against the will of the American people and of the states. Never in my lifetime has justice been so corrupted on a federal level, with daily reminders how power has been misused. Never in my lifetime have I seen the mainstream liberal media so blatantly and wholesale biased in favor of an incumbent's liberal policies, and so horrifically prejudiced against reporting the facts.
The resulting election will be historic. This will be a wholesale landslide and rejection of leftist policies that America has been chomping at the bit to voice. You cannot silence the Voice of Freedom forever. Even Ramses discovered this.
President Obama and the Democrats celebrate their arrogant sense of entitlement to their offices by continuing to insult us, attack us, divide us, or ignore us. The source of this self-pride is undeterminable, since every policy and legislative act employed by the left has been a dismal failure. Their sense of superiority over the stupid, ungrateful masses is the stuff of tyrants and dictators, not of representative government. They continue to insist more government is better government. They continue to insist that we not only increase, but double our daily quote of bricks, and that we now must make them without straw.
A Day of Reckoning is fast approaching.
As the Bible and Torah say, "Let my people go."
Posted at 01:02 AM
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