A Nation In Distress

A Nation In Distress

Monday, November 22, 2010

Study finds That Enforcing Immigration Laws Decreases Violent Crime

From Rebellion:

5:38 PM (5 hours ago)Enforcing Immigration Laws Decreases Violent Crimefrom feed/http://lsrebellion.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default by Old RebelLet's see if I grasp this: You crack down on people in your county that broke the law to get there, and must continue to break the law to stay there (identity theft, forgery of various documents, including driver's licenses and and Social Security cards) -- and the result is -- less crime! Whoda thunk it? Someone at the University of Virginia thunk it, that's who:

On Thursday’s Fox and Friends, FNC hosts Gretchen Carlson and Steve Doocy gave attention to a University of Virginia study which found that, since Prince William County in Virginia became more strict in dealing with illegal immigrants in 2007, the jurisdiction has enjoyed a substantial drop in crime - including a 32 percent drop in violent crime - while neighboring Fairfax County has seen crime levels remain steady....

Co-host Carlson added: "But a new study by the University of Virginia shows crime has dropped since the policy went into effect. ... After a three-year study, here's some of the stuff that's happening: 41 percent drop in the hit-and-run accidents; 46.7 percent decrease in aggravated assaults."

To be fair, we have to recognize there's a downside to this. The Democratic Party lost thousands of additional voters, and top management in big business had to settle for lower bonuses since they had to pay a living wage and benefits.

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