From Personal Liberty Digest:
The Revolution Begins
October 22, 2010 by Bob Livingston
Revolutions have historically begun by small sparks that smolder for a while before becoming raging infernos that ultimately envelop and overwhelm statist government. That spark may have been struck this week in Memphis, Tenn.
ExpressJet Airlines pilot Michael Roberts refused a full-body scan at a Transportation Security Administration check point at Memphis International Airport. He also refused “an enhanced pat down” from a TSA employee and was sent home.
He told The Commercial Appeal he wants to go to work and not be “harassed and molested without cause.” He also called TSA a “make-work” program that doesn’t make travel safer.
“Pat down is misleading,” Roberts told CNN. “They concentrate on the area between… the upper thighs and torso, and they’re not just patting people’s arms and legs, they’re grabbing and groping and prodding pretty aggressively.
“I was trying to avoid this assault on my person, and I’m not willing to have images of my nude body produced for some stranger in another room to look at either.”
The TSA said in a statement that “security is not optional” and any person who refuses security screening is not allowed to fly.
Roberts has put his career on the line to stand up to the Orwellian government. He’s drawn a line in the sand against state sponsored assault in the form of needless radiation scans and worthless groping.
Contrary to TSA promises, backscatter radiation machines can and do store nude images of passengers — adults and children alike. And the radiation is harmful, despite propaganda to the contrary. Recent reports indicate the scans increase the chances of skin cancer on everyone and are especially harmful to pregnant women and young children.
If pilots and flight attendants refuse to submit to this needless assault and passengers find other ways to travel and avoid airlines all together, the airline industry will scream and government would eventually have to stop its blatant disregard of 4th Amendment rights. A revolt that takes money out of the pockets of fascist in business and government would be quickly understood.
In America, simply traveling by airline makes you guilty of plotting some sort of unlawful act until you submit to government and prove your innocence. If this doesn’t turn the very Founding principles of our country on their heads, nothing does. Unlawful searches and seizures was one of the grievances the colonists had with the British government. It should be one of our grievances as well.
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