4:10 PM (9 hours ago)Incident Reports Alleged Voter Fraud in Houston, Texasfrom Big Government by Dan RiehlBig Government has come into possession of the following five incident reports which appear to point to potential voter fraud in Houston, Texas. As readers know, the True the Vote story much in the news, is centered on Texas. Bryan Preston posted an item on alleged Texas Poll Worker misconduct today at Pajamas Media.
As for the pdf documents below, Big Government is reaching out to known experts in the field of voter fraud for a comprehensive evaluation of how the documents should be interpreted.
The documents were provided by our friends at Liberty Institute.
Incident #15 Told Voter How to Vote

Incident #16 Intimidation by Rev

Incident#23 SheilaJacksonLee Inside Polling Place

Inciden#140 Clerk Asks Voter if She Wants to Vote Democrat

Incident#151 BillWhite Poll Watcher Brings in Pizza

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