AZ GOP Finds 1 of 4 Last Minute Voter Registration Requests Are Fraudulent!
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, October 29, 2010, 1:58 PM
The Arizona GOP has uncovered hundreds, if not thousands, of bogus voter registrations by the far left SEIU group Mi Familia Vota.

The AZ GOP reported:
Ballots being mailed illegally, forged ballot requests, felons and illegals registering to vote and pressure on county employees by ACORN like groups. Chicago? Nope. Yuma, Arizona.
The Arizona Republican Party has uncovered direct evidence that Mi Familia Vota, Border Action, and Faith.Hope.Vote! who have direct ties to SEIU are attempting to influence the elections in Yuma County through fraudulent means. In the last 48 hours before the Permanent Early Voter List (PEVL) registration deadline of Friday, October 22nd, these organizations submitted 1,328 PEVL requests and then pressured the Yuma Recorder’s Office to process them by Monday.
In reviewing all PEVL requests made through what appears to be canvassing efforts by Mi Familia Vota and submitted on Friday, October 22nd, 113 of the 615 PEVL requests processed and mailed early ballots appear to be forged. Investigations revealed that contrary to state election regulations, an untold number of PEVL requests were not signature verified against Motor Vehicle Records, and investigators found concrete instances of forgery among the processed PEVL requests.
The Arizona Republican Party investigations continue to uncover clear and direct violations of Arizona law and Secretary of State elections regulations. The AZGOP has an active and on-going investigation regarding the extent of election fraud in Yuma County while allegations of illegal activities that appear to be direct attempts for SEIU to steal the election for Grijalva continue to be reported to the investigators in Yuma.
The following findings have been made thus far:
8,000 new PEVL requests have been processed this year which may have been forged.
10,052 registered voters were on the PEVL as of Wednesday, October 20.
1,536 requests to be added to the PEVL were received by the Yuma Recorder on Thursday the 21st and Friday the 22nd.
376 of the 1536 requests (24%) were rejected for reasons ranging from requests from felons, illegal aliens, and those not registered to vote to incomplete forms and duplicate requests.
113 of a sampling of 615 PEVL requests (18%) by Mi Familia Vota appear to be forged, yet were sent early ballots.
1160 voters were added to the PEVL over the weekend and mailed ballots on Monday, October 26th. An untold number of which were not signature verified and may have been forged requests.
Mi Familia Vota and Border Action both used the State Seal of Arizona on their PEVL forms without obtaining permission from the State as required under Arizona law.
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