From Personal Liberty Digest:
Food For Food And Food For Barter!
October 18, 2010 by Bob Livingston
If you can’t imagine being hungry in the midst of chaos then you will probably ignore this suggestion, but you won’t forget it. And it will haunt you if you fail to take action. But if you take action, just eat your stored food in the difficult years ahead.
And if the system collapses, as many predict, use your stored food for food and for barter.
I will share with you the following list of items that I have in my food storage: Salt, water in gallon jugs, Clorox and Lugols iodine for disinfecting and purifying water (six drops per gallon of water), brown and white sugar, dry beans and pastas of all kinds, chili (Bryan brand is in cans that are white inside), mayonnaise, coffee, sardines, tea, olive oil, rice, baked beans and pork and beans, cereal, canned soups, kraut, salmon, canned white tuna in water, food bars, a few frozen dinners, olives, pickles and treats (chose those you like), minimum amount of cake mix, flour, cornmeal, seasonings for cooking, dried and canned milk, all paper products, cleaning products, basic patent medicines such as cough medicine, cough drops, Tylenol®, eye drops (remember to store any that you use on a regular basis).
One of the best foods to store is vacuum sealed dry foods of all kinds as recommended by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). These will last for years and years. The variety was limited when we bought from them last, mainly because they focus on basics. Most Mormons can tell you where to find it, and you don’t have to be a member of their church to buy from them.
For inspiration, think of Scarlett O’Hara living on turnips after Tara had been overrun and pillaged at the end of the Civil War.
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