A Nation In Distress

A Nation In Distress

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wyoming Man Donates $1.5 Million To Defend Arizona Immigration Law Against Obama

From Rebellion:

Sep 3, 2010 (2 days ago)Wyoming Man Donates $1.5M to Defend Arizona Immigration Law in Courtfrom feed/http://lsrebellion.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default by Old RebelLooks like the case of Obama vs. America is heating up:

The contribution from Timothy Mellon of Saratoga is the largest to Brewer's defense fund, which has amassed more than $3.6 million from 41,000 donors nationwide.

I hope some of that money helps Sheriff Joe Arpaio!

What a message this sends! If a State leader takes a stand against the despised Federal government, people will rally around them.

Know hope.

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