A Nation In Distress

A Nation In Distress

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Cyber-Security Bill Would Give Obama Power To Shut Down The Internet And Companies

From Rebellion:

1:18 PM (10 hours ago)New Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama ‘Power To Shut Down Companies’from feed/http://lsrebellion.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default by Old RebelHave you noticed that ALL the news coming out of DC lately is ominous? This is no exception:

An amalgamated cybersecurity bill that lawmakers hope to pass before the end of the year includes new powers which would allow President Obama to shut down not only entire areas of the Internet, but also businesses and industries that fail to comply with government orders following the declaration of a national emergency – increasing fears that the legislation will be abused as a political tool.

Notice that the sponsors are Lieberman and Rockefeller -- both Democrats. So much for the notion that "liberals" are better guardians of civil liberties than those bad ol' Republicans.

Oh, and by the way, war supporters, how do you like the way the power that Bush and Cheney claimed for the chief executive is being expanded under Obama?

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