A Nation In Distress

A Nation In Distress

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mexico Creating Mobile Consulates To Provide Illegals Some Kind Of Papers

From Rebellion:

2:54 PM (4 hours ago)Hundreds Turn Out For Mexican Consulate In Concordfrom feed/http://lsrebellion.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default by Old RebelHere's your latest Reconquista update:

Hundreds of people turned out at Concord High School Saturday for the mobile Mexican Consulate.

The effort was one of 10 mobile events held across North Carolina this year, aimed at providing free services for Mexican citizens to obtain Mexican identification cards and passports.

"We we are issuing official Mexican documents that are compliant with international law," said Carlos Flores of the Mexican Consulate out of Raleigh. "We are expediting Mexican passports and consular IDs."

But a small group of protestors painted a different picture outside the high school. They were upset that such an event was being held at a public high school. They also held signs opposing the services being offered, saying that they were a means for the Mexican government to help illegal immigrants stay in the United States.

"It's document fraud," said James Johnson of NC FIRE, a grassroots group that claims to be dedicated to immigration reform and enforcement. "They don't know who it is that's handing them paperwork. They say that their name is something they have no way to verify that's the person that they say they are."

Why wasn't ICE out there arresting these people? Why is the property of Cabarrus County being used to advance Mexican colonization? And how long will our joke of an Attorney General continue to aid and abet criminal activity?

I'm proud of what NC FIRE is doing to raise awareness of this

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