
Friday, October 29, 2010

Leftist Radical Frances Piven: Obama Is Doing Things Under The Radar

From Glenn Beck:

Leftist radical Piven: Obama is doing things under the radar

Audio Available:

October 29, 2010 - 12:36 ET

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GLENN: I'm going to give you three pieces of audio here. We're going to get back to the communist, but first let me give you two pieces before it. The first one is Frances Fox Piven, Cloward and Piven thing, collapse the system, get everybody on, overwhelm the system with money and collapse it into a structure. Here's what she said about a week ago at the Brecht foundation.

PIVEN: Obama has done some good things as president. Most of us don't notice those things because he has done them under the radar.

GLENN: Okay. That is, of course, through the Tides Foundation, through George Soros, the Center For American Progress, George Soros, and all of these other things. That's why they're the Apollo Alliance, the Tides Foundation, wrote the stimulus package. What's in the stimulus package? Nobody knows. "I get a kick out of these people who say read the bill. What's the point in reading the bill?" It has been written by the Tides Foundation through the Apollo Alliance, partly financed by George Soros. "So why would we read the bill? George says it's okay."

Now, at the Brecht foundation and again this is from Marxists, communists, and progressives. This is the forum that we told you last year, we played the Bald Communist. Here is an immigrant to the United States and listen to what she says about the United States.

VOICE: When I first started being active and doing volunteer work, I started off, you know, being an immigrant resident of the United States and kind of like wanting to see what I could do to change things. But when I left to South Africa, that's when really I started to see the parallels of the systemic racism in South Africa as well as in the United States. And so I came, I was there for five weeks and it was a real, like very liberal kind of program. So it pushed me but, you know, not it just pushed me enough to get me real pissed off, pissed at white people, pissed at the U.S., pissed at what the U.S. flag meant and having to see it anywhere and anywhere.

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GLENN: Having to see it.

PAT: Having to see it anywhere and everywhere. That's a real shame.

GLENN: Okay, now remember I'm a conspiracy theorist and I'm some sort of Joe McCarthy because I see communists everywhere. Here is the vice chair of the Communist Party USA and his endorsement of Obama and his chastisement of those on the left. Listen to what he says.

TYNER: For the purpose of pushing the country back and reversing the effects of 2008 election. But I think now we're getting out there and that's my message. We are facing a real challenge in front of us. We've got to spend the next period, I think, working around the jobs issue as we support those candidates who are going to fight for jobs for us when they get into the congress.

Now, I have a feeling that, uh, some friends on the left will say I don't support Democrats. That is such a diversion. You know, during the period of slavery, the African Americans were tended to be Republican because the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln. You know that, right? But in 1932 they all shifted to the Democratic Party because of the New Deal. And I think their attitude was, we'll support whatever party that supports us, that we can fight through.

GLENN: Stop it, stop it. Stop it there. We will support any party that supports us. Democrats, are you hearing that? We will support any party that supports us. Which party, which American party is now supporting the Communist Party? Do you really think that it was at this point do you really think that it was a coincidence that Chavez handed Barack Obama an anti American, anti colonialist book and he picked it up? Do you really think that that was a coincidence? Come on. Come on.

PAT: He wouldn't accept, what was it Rick Perry tried to give him when he saw him at the airport?

GLENN: Papers.

PAT: And he wouldn't take it. Wouldn't take it from Rick Perry. It's like, yeah, give it to her. Valerie Jarrett had to accept it from him. He wouldn't take a document from Rick Perry.

GLENN: And he actually posed with the book.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Do you remember, he not only took it, he posed with the book.

PAT: Then he was asked, are you why did you take the book? "I don't mind. I like to read."

GLENN: I like to read. Do you really like to read? Because you don't could I send you my newsletter? Maybe you should read that. You are telling people there's too much information out there.

All right. So back to the vice chair of the Communist Party USA saying here that he will work with any party that supports them.

TYNER: This is not a principle question. It's a tactical question. And in this period if we allow the Republicans to get gain control back into the congress of the United States, jobs bill's done. Done. Stimulus package is done. Employee Free Choice is done. Who knows when the troops are going to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Who knows when we're going to do something about the collapse of our schools and so forth. But if we are able to stop, then we have a fighting chance to change all those things.

You know, in Detroit here that 90,000 abandoned homes now in Detroit. They are talking about shrinking the size of the city because the population has gone away and they are talking about inviting people in to do agriculture in Detroit, turning it into a farm city? That's really interesting. Who destroyed, who did that to Detroit? It wasn't the working people.

PAT: Democrats.

GLENN: Progressives. Unions.

TYNER: Powerful industry, powerful corporations, the banks.

GLENN: Powerful corporations and banks.

PAT: Destroyed Detroit? Oh, my gosh.

GLENN: Powerful corporations and banks. Not the progressive policies.

PAT: Not Democrats who have run that city for how long? Forever.

GLENN: They are not even Democrats. They are progressives.

PAT: Progressives, yeah.

GLENN: The Progressive Democrats that have run it and the unions.

PAT: And we have that, right, Stu? We have who's run Detroit for, what, 50 years?

STU: Yeah. I believe it goes back to mid Sixties, I think, in this book which is An Inconvenient Book. And I believe Detroit is 100% of the time. I don't think there's been any Republican there since the, would be with the information we collected which was I think mid Sixties.

GLENN: Look it up. And isn't what's his name from Michigan, his father and he had been going since, like, 1933?

STU: Oh, yeah, that's Dingell.

PAT: John Dingell.

STU: Yeah, John Dingell.

GLENN: Since 1933 this progressive and his father have been in the same seat. 1933.

PAT: That's 77, 78 years, something like that.

GLENN: What do you think? You want a definition of insanity? If you look at the states that are in the worst shape and the states that are in the best shape for people, the least progressive, the better the shape.

PAT: Well, look at Texas. Wouldn't you say Texas is probably our strongest state financially right now? And in every other way?

GLENN: Wouldn't you look at states and say, what are they doing right and what are these states doing wrong?

PAT: You would think so.

GLENN: You would think so. Look at the cities. What is Philadelphia doing? Do you have the do you have the mayor, mayoral stuff or the run by cities?

STU: I do, yes.

GLENN: Let's look at these cities.

STU: Detroit is Number 2 with the worst poverty rate as far as this chart goes. And time that a Republican was mayor since 1965, 0%.

GLENN: What about Philadelphia?

STU: Philadelphia, 0%. New Orleans 0%, Newark 0%. Milwaukee, 0%. St. Louis, 0%. Buffalo, 0%. Atlanta, 0%.

PAT: No Republicans.

STU: And there's three cities that have had some. Highest is Cleveland at 38%. No one else 31 for Miami and 19 for Cincinnati. The entire grand total, Republicans have run the cities with the worst poverty problems in America only 8% of the time since 1965.

GLENN: Do you see that? What does that tell you? What does that tell you?

PAT: And again conversely when you look at Florida, when you look at Texas, when you look at the states that conservatives are running and you see how well they're doing. We just went through we went down the list of the top 25 cities that are coming out of the recession or never went into it. Eleven of the top 25 were from Texas. Texas is doing well. Now, they have a lot of resources, yes, about you they have no state income tax. Florida, zero state income tax.

GLENN: Florida's in trouble, though. Florida is.

STU: Florida had big trouble with the they had a big real estate bubble.

GLENN: Florida's going through exactly what they went through

PAT: Texas never had that.

GLENN: in the 1920s. They had a huge real estate bubble. People were like, whoa. We can what? We can live down here? And had a huge real estate bubble and it popped and, you know, that's just the way it's that's just the way it's going to be.

PAT: That's just a factor of humidity. People are realizing, why did we come to Florida? It's humid down here.

GLENN: No, it is, it is, but as long as California is sucks beyond belief, Florida won't have to worry about it. I'll take alligators, I'll take the humidity, I'll even take the liberals. I'll live I'll live surrounded by alligators and liberals, and sometimes they're hard to figure out which is which, alligators and liberals, I'll be surrounded by that and in 100% humidity over California's insanity. But maybe that's just me.

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