
Friday, October 29, 2010

Warning: Leftist Agitators Are Out In Force

From Glenn Beck:

Warning: agitators are out in force

Audio Available:

October 29, 2010 - 12:35 ET

TheBlaze: MoveOn ‘Republicorp’ Activist Chokes Conservative Protester at Arizona Rally

GLENN: We are four days away from the fundamental transformation of America., the RepubliCorp activist that is choking a conservative protestor at an Arizona rally. The video is up now at It is really quite an amazing thing to see. Yesterday you had MSNBC saying that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any violence from the left. Are they what are they, what are they even talking about?

PAT: Well, they only watch their own channel apparently and so they never see any of the evidence, but there's a lot of it. I mean, have they forgotten already about the Discovery Channel hostage taker?

STU: Yes. Yes, they have.

PAT: Inspired by Al Gore?

GLENN: Oh, inspired by Al Gore?

PAT: Oh, yeah.

GLENN: Oh, really? I didn't know that.

PAT: Oh, very much so.

STU: Yes. In fact, he said he had an awakening after An Inconvenient Truth. I think it's so pathetic because our argument is so superior here. Everyone on the right admits that you can have a nut job in any audience.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: Of course you can have somebody who does something stupid. But the left seems to deny that it's impossible even when it's already occurred. They just keep denying that it's happening.

GLENN: Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, I don't think that

STU: Really?

GLENN: I don't think that Discovery Channel thing even happened.

STU: No, it did. I saw all the news stories. He wrote it out on his website.

GLENN: What channel did you see all this?

STU: Well, Fox News Channel.

GLENN: There you go. It's lies and distortions.

PAT: Really? They made it up completely?

GLENN: That's what it is.

PAT: Was it a reenactment?

STU: There was a video of the guy. Did you see?

GLENN: Because Sarah Palin was on yesterday. now says that she supports terrorism.

STU: or is it Media Matters?

GLENN: Not moveon. Media Matters. What's the difference? They

STU: Don't insult like that. Pat is not nice. You know what? There's some lines I don't mind you crossing but that is just wrong.

GLENN: Really?

STU: Just, all does is accuse our generals of treason.

PAT: Oh.

STU: Media Matters is way beyond that. They're much worse.

GLENN: So they now say that she is she supports domestic terror.

PAT: Because she won't denounce you.

GLENN: Yeah, because she won't denounce me. Does Media Matters, do they have information on because maybe they should just, maybe they should stop claiming that it is coming and share the information that they have on this Oklahoma City bombing that they have.

PAT: Yeah, really.

GLENN: Because

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: They are convinced that an Oklahoma City bombing is coming and it's coming soon. Do they have information on that? I mean, for instance, did they have information on the Discovery Channel shooter? Did they have information on him, that he was inspired by Al Gore? Did they have that?

PAT: They don't have that now.

GLENN: They should probably get that.

PAT: Yeah. You would think.

GLENN: Okay?

PAT: But they have, they have future information on this nonexistent.

GLENN: How about this. How about this. Do they have the information on the guy that was being choked by another Soros funded organization,

PAT: They should maybe go to, and find out all the information there.

GLENN: Yeah. Did you see the video of this?

PAT: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

GLENN: I mean

PAT: Yeah, we could play the you know, we could go to it and play the explanation of the guy but he's

GLENN: It's not as powerful.

PAT: It's not.

GLENN: The video of seeing him

PAT: Get choked.

GLENN: Get choked.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: But go to The Blaze and watch it.

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