
Friday, October 29, 2010

Appeal From The United States Justice Foundation On Voting Fraud

From USJF:

October 29, 2010

To Every Patriotic American:

Our country's core values are being uprooted---even before the election next week.

There are already reports of major voter fraud in many states:

In Nevada---new evidence is emerging that Harry Reid is trying to steal the election from Sharron Angle---by hook or by crook! Sharron Angle's campaign attorney made this report: "I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks--trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor. Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided ‘free food' at ‘voter turnout events.' Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.

Wait a minute! Isn't that called "buying votes?" That's what Al Gore did in Wisconsin in 2000, only he used cigarettes. Gore bought Wisconsin's 11 electoral votes in 2000 for a few smokes. Harry Reid intends to steal Nevada's U.S. Senate seat if he can't win it legally.

In North Carolina---a man said that he voted a straight-party ticket (for Republicans) and got opposite results. His ballot showed he voted a straight Democrat ticket.

In Illinois---a county election official is saying that thousands---potentially hundreds of thousands---of voters who are expecting a ballot sent to them by mail may be disenfranchised.

In Colorado---A federal judge declined to force the Secretary of State to reactivate approximately 6,000 new voters whose registrations were canceled under Colorado's 20-day rule. Senior U. S. District Judge John L. Kane denied a motion for a preliminary injunction that was requested by several labor and voting-rights groups.

In Arizona--a source in the Yuma County Recorders' Office reports:

3,000 voter registration forms were all dropped off at the last minute by one group as the clock ticked down on the deadline for turning in voter registration forms.

Almost all of the registrations were for the Democratic Party, a statistical improbability at best.

The Yuma Recorder's office is checking the voter registration forms and has found that already more than 65% of them are invalid due to the registrant not being a citizen, and/or using wrong or completely invalid address, and/or using false, unverifiable, signatures, etc.

In Troy New York---a special prosecutor is investigating allegations of voter fraud. Trey Smith is collecting DNA from the majority of the city council...all Democrats. Five city councilmen, including the council president and four other city council members, and other public officials and/or public operatives, have been ordered to or have had their saliva swabbed for DNA samples to compare to absentee ballots and absentee ballot applications that were allegedly forged.

This is why we have set up a Corps of Citizens to be "Poll Watchers" at various election places, to look for voter fraud and/or voter intimidation! YOU can be responsible for "Taking Back America," through your efforts of "poll watching" for your fellow Americans. Organizing this effort, and following through on the reports that we receive from people like you, takes money that we simply do not have at this time. Will you help us to keep this next election as "clean" as possible?

Please volunteer for the election night "USJF HOTLINE E-MAIL," and use to report any voter fraud and voter intimidation that is witnessed by you. And, PLEASE remember this. Once we get through November 2, the real battle begins on November 3. Because the bigger that the Democrats lose on November 2, the less that they have to lose in 2012. The socialist agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing for the past year has to be passed in its entirety for Mr. Obama to have a prayer of keeping the White House in 2012. It's not enough for Constitutional conservatives just to win the House and U. S. Senate on November 2, we have to be positioned to reverse the Obama agenda and prevent the far left from enacting Cap & Trade, giving amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens, and forever silencing the voices of those who are demanding that EVERY CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT must prove that they are constitutionally eligible to hold the office. THE FIGHT TO WIN BACK CONGRESS IS ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!

ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!

On November 3, Barack Obama suspects that he will likely be waking up to a decidedly more hostile Washington, D.C., one in which his leftist allies no longer control one or both chambers of Congress. Since taking office in 2008, he has presided over a 58-seat majority in House of Representatives and an 18-seat margin in the U. S. Senate. As a result, he has won passage of landmark legislation, such as the Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the failed Stimulus Bill), Health Care Reform (OBAMACARE) and regulation of the financial services industry, by bullying his own Party into giving him the social progressive agenda that he wants, even though the American people have been screaming against his agenda since the passage of his first "stimulus" bill in February, 2009.

For some, the prospect of a gridlocked Congress - or at least a significantly slower legislative process - is a welcomed change. On "Meet the Press" in August, Republican Minority Leader John Boehner, of Ohio, asserted, "The American people are screaming at the top of their lungs to Washington, ‘Stop! Stop the spending! Stop the job-killing policies!' And yet Democrats in Washington refuse to listen to people. Republicans are listening."

No matter how large the Republican win, Mr. Obama is planning to rule by decree since the U.S. Congress is not going to give him what he wants. Barack Hussein Obama is already planning to reshape his administration for a "new strategy." With the upcoming loss of the House of Representatives to the Republicans, and a possible loss of the U. S. Senate, the "Lame Duck" Session of Congress, between the election and the Congress being sworn in, in January, 2011, will be full of pet projects which will be legislated by the leftist controlled "old" Congress, and we will see the start of the illegal form of rule---THE USE OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS from the White House.

I recall what then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told then-President Bill Clinton, in reference to Executive Orders---they are simply NOT LEGAL!! When President Clinton issued an Executive Order banning smoking in all government office buildings in the United States on August 17, 1997, House Speaker Gingrich sent a curt note to the White House advising the President that Executive Orders were legally binding ONLY on the Executive Branch of government. Speaker Gingrich reminded Mr. Clinton that he had no authority to dictate policy to the legislative or to the judicial branches. Therefore, Congressman Gingrich told him, the Legislative Branch had no intention of complying with the smoking ban that Bill Clinton imposed on the Executive branch. And, since more than a couple of the U. S. Supreme Court Justices, and several federal judges, have been known to light up a stogy in their judicial branch offices, it appears that neither did the Judicial Branch take the Clinton Executive Order seriously. Yet, the American people view Executive Orders as law, even though the "Executive" has no legislative authority under the Constitution.

Between November 3 and the swearing in of the next Congress in January, "Obama's Revenge" will be to push what he can through the "old" Congress, controlled by his leftist allies, and, for the part of his agenda he can't push through, he'll rule by Executive Order, Presidential Proclamations, or Presidential Decision Directives. My Friends, it will not be pretty. Nor will it be legal. Mr. Obama does not want to let go and does not want to kiss his socialistic agenda good-bye!

White House staff changes are being made with an eye toward putting together a "bully staff," who will be used to achieve Obama's objectives through executive action, rather than through legislative action. There will be fewer attempts to push laws through the next Congress. There will be more attempts to ram his agenda down the throats of the American people by decree, using his remaining leftist allies in Congress to cover his back and tout the legality of the Executive Order, while wringing their hands because there's nothing they can legally do when Barack Hussein Obama chooses to use the extraordinary powers he will claim to possess in times of crisis as the nation's leader.

Mr. Obama is shaping a new approach for the second half of his term in the Oval Office. His plan will be to keep his liberal agenda on track, and continue his crippling, redistributive, spending agenda through "illegal" executive actions, rather than constitutionally trying to get his plans through what will be an increasingly hostile Congress.

Many of Barack Obama's staff have departed, including White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (to run for the Mayor of Chicago). The revised Obama Team must be prepared to do an uphill battle, based upon the results of the elections next week, to gain leverage with lawmakers.

Resigned to the destiny that will be happening next week, White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod said in a recent interview: "It's fair to say that the next phase is going to be less about legislative action than it is about managing the change that we've brought."

Mr. Obama and his Chicago-style, back-room, arm-twisting politics will be seeking to bring about his legislative agenda---no matter what!

And that even includes using "dirty tricks" to overturn this election process within days, even hours, after November 2. Already, we've experienced numerous election voter frauds in various states---and it's not even election day yet! That's why America desperately needs YOU! Will you be a part of a distinguished "Corps Of Citizens" who will be "poll watchers" for the United States Justice Foundation? More importantly, will you do this for the American people --- and for our way of life of freedom!

Please volunteer for the election night "USJF HOTLINE E-MAIL," and use to report any voter fraud and voter intimidation that is witnessed by you. And, PLEASE remember this. Once we get through November 2, the real battle begins on November 3. Because the bigger that the Democrats lose on November 2, the less that they have to lose in 2012. The socialist agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing for the past year has to be passed in its entirety for Mr. Obama to have a prayer of keeping the White House in 2012. It's not enough for Constitutional conservatives just to win the House and U. S. Senate on November 2, we have to be positioned to reverse the Obama agenda and prevent the far left from enacting Cap & Trade, giving amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens, and forever silencing the voices of those who are demanding that EVERY CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT must prove that they are constitutionally eligible to hold the office. THE FIGHT TO WIN BACK CONGRESS IS ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!

Yes, it is possible. YOU could be the "last frontier" to retain what our forefathers sought to create for our great country. Please, don't shirk this call from your country and from USJF---to report ANY voter fraud or any voter intimidation.

The country, and federal law enforcement, sat back while the Black Panthers harassed white voters in Philadelphia two years ago.

NOW, with our special USJF Email Hotline (, you can report any voting irregularities RIGHT AWAY---IMMEDIATELY! We will investigate---and quickly take action against---ANY VOTER INTIMIDATION OR VOTER FRAUD. But I need your commitment today.

I am not asking you to put your life in any danger. As you are voting, be very, very observant of your surroundings; and report anything that looks suspicious to me. Then, maybe, stick around the outside of the door to the polling place, to see if any voter intimidation or voter fraud occurs.

You see, even George Soros does not like what we are doing. He is spending large amounts of money to stop those who might be "poll watchers" for the "Right".

Only hours remain until the people of America will rise up and vote to return America to its roots. The current administration will do anything within its power to keep its socialist agenda alive.

Even when, the Republicans win back the House---and, conceivably, the U. S. Senate as well---Mr. Obama is preparing, RIGHT NOW, to push his liberal agenda forward through "executive actions."But, until November 2, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist allies in the "reborn" (renamed) ACORN and in certain labor unions, like SEIU, are doing everything that they can to retain control of Congress, "by hook or by crook!"

But . . .YOU can stop that voter fraud...

The infamous ACORN is still alive and well---now using many different names, to throw numerous elections by having dead people to vote, helping illegal aliens to vote, and paying individuals to vote, as often as 70 times!

Aren't you fed up with these un-democratic, un-American, and ILLEGAL tactics? Now you can do something to help your country's future!! Obviously, it takes a large amount of expenses to investigate whatever you report. So I need your financial assistance right now---for the sake of the preservation of our own United States Constitution.

It is way past time to DO SOMETHING about voter fraud and heavy-handed politics that ignore the will of the people.

No one is doing anything about voter fraud. Not the U. S. Department of Justice, not most state election officials, and not most local law enforcement! That's why we must take this election by the horns and MAKE SURE that voter fraud is held to a minimum. Yes, you heard it right from me: Our government is DOING NOTHING to make sure that voters are really, in fact, voters. That's why we have taken a stand to make a difference. Obviously, the Obama Administration does not have any incentive to make sure that voters are alive; or even American citizens!

We need your financial assistance, RIGHT NOW, to make a real difference on election day. Since we know that voter fraud is ALREADY HAPPENING during the early voting, think what may and probably will happen on Election Day on Tuesday if the fraud is not stemmed now!

Your donation is greatly needed so that, on Election Day, our e-mail hotline will help to insure that voters are not intimidated at the polls. Will you be a part of that?

You can actually "make history" - BY PRESERVING HISTORY - through poll watching for USJF. I urgently need to hear from you TODAY!

Your donation and your participation on Election Day will literally make all the difference in the world...and in our country's future.

Help stop the voter fraud...NOW,

Urgently yours for America,

Gary G. Kreep, Esq.

Executive Director

United States Justice Foundation

P. S. I cannot underscore the importance that you can make in the future of our great country. Making sure that every legitimate vote counts, without fraud and without voter intimidation, is paramount to our country's survival. And YOU can play a real part in that! Will you? Because it's so important, let me say this one more time:

Please volunteer for the election night "USJF HOTLINE E-MAIL," and use to report any voter fraud and voter intimidation that is witnessed by you. And, PLEASE remember this. Once we get through November 2, the real battle begins on November 3. Because the bigger that the Democrats lose on November 2, the less that they have to lose in 2012. The socialist agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing for the past year has to be passed in its entirety for Mr. Obama to have a prayer of keeping the White House in 2012. It's not enough for Constitutional conservatives just to win the House and U. S. Senate on November 2, we have to be positioned to reverse the Obama agenda and prevent the far left from enacting Cap & Trade, giving amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens, and forever silencing the voices of those who are demanding that EVERY CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT must prove that they are constitutionally eligible to hold the office. THE FIGHT TO WIN BACK CONGRESS IS ABOUT TO BE FOUGHT. THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 3. PLEASE GIVE your most generous DONATION possible to help USJF to do everything possible to make this election fraud-free!

To donate by check, make payable to:

United States Justice Foundation

Dept Code 4846

932 D Street Suite 1

Ramona, CA 92065

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