A Nation In Distress

A Nation In Distress

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Get Back Home Kit

From The Survivalist Blog:

Jan 17, 2011 (14 hours ago)The Get Back Home Kitfrom The Survivalist Blog dot Net by M.D. Creekmore

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Most of you probably have a bug out bag - having a bug out bag is good insurance in the event you are forced to evacuate your home or retreat for some unforseen reason. It seems most of us are ready to bug out, but few of us have considered the need to find our way back home if caught away during an emergency.

No doubt, many of you spend a lot of time away from home, with work, school and business sometimes taking you hundreds of miles away from home. Most of the time this isn’t an issue for me, but recently, I’ve had to make several trips with my girlfriend to take her father to the cancer specialist on the other side of the state.

What would we do if disaster struck while we was several hundred miles from home? What would we do in the event of a terrorist attack, riot, earthquake or similar disaster. Could we get back home? What would we do if forced to stay in the area for several days or even weeks?

With any luck I’ll be able to drive out, but you never know – the roads could be blocked or impassable because of damage, the area could be quarantined or it could be too dangerous to move for several days.

As with anything related to survival, there are no guarantees and I doubt her father could make it under anything but the best of conditions considering his health. I just hope nothing bad happens with him in tow.

To increase our odds of making it back or surviving in the city if needed, I’ve put together a ”Get Home Kit” that I take on extended trips. Sure I could have just taken my bug out bag, but it really isn’t the best solution and the gear for the most part, isn’t what I’d need in an urban setting.

The basic needs of water, shelter, food, and medical are the same in the wilderness or city, but the means of attainment are different in most cases. My bug out bag was put together for an extended trip to the woods, where I can make most of what I need from what mother nature has to offer.

If trapped in the city, I may have to scrounge or steal most of what we need to survive – especially if we are forced to stay and survive for an extended period. No, I’m not advocating theft or looting, but I’m not above it, if the other alternative is starvation or death.

My get home kit is smaller than my bug out bag and weighs considerably less. Everything fits snugly inside a small dark gray and green backpack, that I bought at the local flea market for five dollars. I intentionally averted from camo or military type packs to avoid attracting attention.

Now that we know why we need a get home pack the question remains, what do we pack in our urban survival kit? Let’s take a look…

Get Home Kit Contents

•A fixed blade knife (Glock Knife)

•Multitool (Gerber Recoil Auto-Plier)

•Two Small Bic Lighters

•One Box Water Proofed Wooden Matches

•Two Berkey Water Bottles

•Small LED flashlight (Maglite XL100)

•Cell Phone

•Prepaid Calling CardLockpick (Dyno Kwik Pick)

•First Aid Tactical Trauma Kit

•Antibacterial Hand Wipes

•Space Blanket

•Bag Of Trail Mix, Box of PowerBars (15) And Electrolyte Packets

•Detailed Map Of Area And Compass

•Garmin Handheld GPS Navigator

•OC Spray

•One Hundred Dollars In $10 Bills

•Springfield XD9 and 200 rounds of Ammunition and Two Extra Magazines

Aside from and in addition to the get home kit, I pack a large cooler with food and drinks for the trip, partly for emergencies but mainly because, I’m cheap and don’t want to waste money buying fast food along the way. I also carry sleeping bags in my vehicle during winter along with my winter emergency car kit and a full toolbox.

What about you… Do you have a Get Home Kit? Why? What’s in it? Am I missing anything? Let us know in the comments below…

Image by SmowBlog

Post from: The Survivalist Blog dot Net - Copyright © 2010

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