From The White House Watch:
Operation Fast and Furious Has a Kickback, Too

Posted on June 28, 2011 by Guest Writer
by Doug Book
In April 2009, Barack Obama named Kenneth Melson acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Today, this attorney and longtime bureaucrat possesses information which could bring down A.G. Eric Holder and perhaps Barack Obama himself.
As head of the ATF it was Melson who oversaw the Fast and Furious project, begun only a few months after his appointment and now responsible for the sale of more than 2000 weapons to straw purchasers for Mexican drug cartels.
He helped facilitate the “walking” of these guns across the Mexican border, instructing agents to not interfere with the process. He even watched closed circuit broadcasts of US border state gun dealers illegally transferring dozens of weapons to criminal buyers at the instruction of his agency.
After ATF agent and whistle blower John Dodson testified to members of Charles Grassley’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Melson provided cover for his bosses at the Justice Department and the White House by saying nothing and providing nothing but denials in response to Grassley’s demands for information.
But as the ATF’s Project Gunrunner, or “Gunwalker” as it is more rightly called and its Phoenix, sister operation, Fast and Furious have become better known, dragging Eric Holder before Congressional Committees and forcing employees of his agency to explain their responsibility in the deaths of American agents, Ken Melson has become a liability to those who selected him and his days at the ATF appear numbered.
Nevertheless, there is more to the “Gunwalker” story and its continued cover up than apparent blind loyalty shown by a Regime subordinate to his bosses.
Around the time Ken Melson was made Acting ATF Director and just before thousands of guns began briskly “walking” to Mexico, Melson was named co-chair of the newly chartered White House Subcommittee on Forensic Science.
It seems Melson “has been running around the country for quite a while…trying to convince everyone that his other organization, ASCLD/LAB should be legislated into permanently overseeing the forensic science system of the U.S.”
And what better way to assist that “other organization”– ASCLD/LAB, the American Society of Crime Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board, upon which Melson sits as a director–than to own his own little White House subcommittee which can write the rules according to which all forensic labs must operate?
So for three years, Melson has traveled the nation, not on behalf of the ATF, but giving lectures and trying to take over the field of forensics.
Did Melson agree to do the Obama Regime’s ATF “gun Walking” in return for White House clout and a blank check in pursuit of a forensic laboratory monopoly?
Will Melson go quietly under the Obama bus in return for Obama’s assurance of continued support for his dream of forensic manifest destiny?
If Melson makes a deal with Charles Grassley or Darrell Issa, it might keep him out of the slammer, but the rest of his shameless, alternate career mongering will be over. And so might be the reign of Obama the First. We are in for some interesting times.
So the next time a gun is sold, remember the ATF can’t tell if the buyer is a law abiding American citizen or a Mexican drug lord.
Then again, maybe the Obama Administration just doesn’t see much difference.
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This column originally appeared on and is reprinted with permission
Operation Fast and Furious Has a Kickback, Too

Posted on June 28, 2011 by Guest Writer
by Doug Book
In April 2009, Barack Obama named Kenneth Melson acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Today, this attorney and longtime bureaucrat possesses information which could bring down A.G. Eric Holder and perhaps Barack Obama himself.
As head of the ATF it was Melson who oversaw the Fast and Furious project, begun only a few months after his appointment and now responsible for the sale of more than 2000 weapons to straw purchasers for Mexican drug cartels.
He helped facilitate the “walking” of these guns across the Mexican border, instructing agents to not interfere with the process. He even watched closed circuit broadcasts of US border state gun dealers illegally transferring dozens of weapons to criminal buyers at the instruction of his agency.
After ATF agent and whistle blower John Dodson testified to members of Charles Grassley’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Melson provided cover for his bosses at the Justice Department and the White House by saying nothing and providing nothing but denials in response to Grassley’s demands for information.
But as the ATF’s Project Gunrunner, or “Gunwalker” as it is more rightly called and its Phoenix, sister operation, Fast and Furious have become better known, dragging Eric Holder before Congressional Committees and forcing employees of his agency to explain their responsibility in the deaths of American agents, Ken Melson has become a liability to those who selected him and his days at the ATF appear numbered.
Nevertheless, there is more to the “Gunwalker” story and its continued cover up than apparent blind loyalty shown by a Regime subordinate to his bosses.
Around the time Ken Melson was made Acting ATF Director and just before thousands of guns began briskly “walking” to Mexico, Melson was named co-chair of the newly chartered White House Subcommittee on Forensic Science.
It seems Melson “has been running around the country for quite a while…trying to convince everyone that his other organization, ASCLD/LAB should be legislated into permanently overseeing the forensic science system of the U.S.”
And what better way to assist that “other organization”– ASCLD/LAB, the American Society of Crime Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board, upon which Melson sits as a director–than to own his own little White House subcommittee which can write the rules according to which all forensic labs must operate?
So for three years, Melson has traveled the nation, not on behalf of the ATF, but giving lectures and trying to take over the field of forensics.
Did Melson agree to do the Obama Regime’s ATF “gun Walking” in return for White House clout and a blank check in pursuit of a forensic laboratory monopoly?
Will Melson go quietly under the Obama bus in return for Obama’s assurance of continued support for his dream of forensic manifest destiny?
If Melson makes a deal with Charles Grassley or Darrell Issa, it might keep him out of the slammer, but the rest of his shameless, alternate career mongering will be over. And so might be the reign of Obama the First. We are in for some interesting times.
So the next time a gun is sold, remember the ATF can’t tell if the buyer is a law abiding American citizen or a Mexican drug lord.
Then again, maybe the Obama Administration just doesn’t see much difference.
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This column originally appeared on and is reprinted with permission
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