From Godfather Politics:
Water buffalo can teach us how to deal with bullying bureaucrats, regulators, and politicians.
Read more: How to Stop Bullying Bureaucrats, Regulators, and Politicians - Godfather Politics
How to Stop Bullying Bureaucrats, Regulators, and Politicians
As the sun beat down on the African plain, a herd of water buffalo grazed along the Timbavati River, unaware of impending danger. In nearby grasses a pride of five lions crouched, waiting to pounce. While the buffalo grazed, the lions crawled closer and then sprang from their cover, attacking the startled herd, searching for its weakest member. Finding a calf running along the river’s edge, they leapt upon it and tumbled into the water.
As the lions attempted to drag the calf on shore, crocodiles appeared, seized the calf’s leg and tried to pull it back into the water. After an arduous struggle, the lions successfully hauled the wounded calf onto the bank and prepared to feast.
Unexpectedly, the fleeing herd of buffalo, having had enough of the lions’ harassment, regrouped and began marching back toward the lions causing them to recoil. Attempting to intimidate the herd, one lion leapt forward, but was charged by the lead buffalo who with his horns flung the lion into the air. Incredibly, the lion turned tail and scurried away, being chased by several buffalo.
Seeking to rescue the fallen calf, the herd surrounded the remaining four lions that cowered on the river’s bank. As the herd’s counterattack ensued, the lions scattered like housecats chased by dogs. The young calf struggled to its feet, rejoining the herd, and the lions fled to another part of the prairie where they nursed their wounded pride.
After years of being terrorized by the lions, the water buffalo joined forces, successfully fought back, defending the herd. View this event, Battle at Kruger, at
The majority of citizens are like the water buffalo, working peacefully in the private sector of the economy, earning a living and seeking to improve their standard of living. The lions and crocodiles resemble government bureaucrats who seek to intimidate and control productive citizens and confiscate their earnings.
Things haven’t changed much since the founding of our country. The colonists were seeking to create better lives for themselves in America. England was the lion that continually violated their rights until the people, like the water buffalo, finally said: “Enough is enough!” The colonists rallied around the motto: “Give me liberty or give me death.” The American Revolution began and we ultimately gained our freedom.
Politicians continually expand government and undermine free enterprise through increased regulation of our businesses and taxation of our incomes. Where is our American spirit of taking personal initiative and demanding less government? Have the socialists so indoctrinated us through state school curriculum propaganda that the majority of our citizens believe in government entitlement programs?
Our forefathers fought for their rights and won our liberties in the same way the water buffalo confronted the lions. Americans today have a choice – either let the bureaucrats, regulators and politicians bully us and socialize our country, or stand together and declare, “Enough is enough!”
Read more: How to Stop Bullying Bureaucrats, Regulators, and Politicians - Godfather Politics