From Personal Liberty Digest:

Amnesty’s Real Consequences
February 21, 2012 by Ben Crystal
Last summer, a 66-year-old Chicago-area insurance broker named Denny McCann met his tragic end when he was run down by a motorist named Saul Chavez. At the time of the accident, Chavez — who dragged McCann’s body a few hundred feet while trying to flee the scene — had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .29. For everyone outside Lindsay Lohan and about half the remaining Kennedys, a BAC of .29 has passed wearing the lampshade and is sleeping with the coat rack. For Chavez, a BAC of .29 was well past the limit at which he could control a motor vehicle. For McCann, a BAC of .29 was fatal.
The tale of Chavez and his motoring misadventures is already a tragedy. An examination of Chavez’s driving record turns it tragicomic. Evidently, Chavez has made a practice out of getting behind the wheel sauced to the gills. In fact, his re-enactment of the worst parts of a Ted Kennedy biopic — which left the McCann family in mourning — was not the first time he was apprehended. Infact, Chavez might have been making license plates for the cars he could no longer legally drive were it not for a justice system with a soft spot for alcoholic Mario Andretti impersonators.
As if the sordid saga of Chavez wasn’t already sorrowful enough, there’s another twist which is even more wretched: Chavez isn’t even supposed to be here. In addition to being a dangerous boozehound, Chavez is an illegal alien. To make matters almost ludicrous, authorities in Chicago — in keeping with the Windy City’s “sanctuary city” politics — knew about Chavez’s undocumented status three years before he killed McCann. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement was unaware of Chavez’s wild rides through the Windy City because Chicago deliberately refused to tip off the Feds as a matter of policy. As noted in a recent investigation into the Chavez story by The Daily Caller, Chicago is one of the cities that ignores President Barack Obama’s own Secure Communities program. Cook County authorities actively refuse to cooperate with immigration authorities on cases involving illegals — including a specific detainer for Chavez, who has now fled the jurisdiction without a trace.
Even in cities that try to abide by immigration law, delivering justice to immigration-law violators and their accomplices is a trick; Chavez is hardly the only illegal immigrant to break our laws with fatal results. So-called “sanctuary cities” like Obama’s beloved, Democratic-machine-run Chicago give parasites like Chavez a place to hide and feed off unsuspecting citizens without consequence.
It doesn’t take genius to understand why the Democrats want to reward illegals like Chavez; the liberal presumption is that amnesty will turn into votes. They’re robbing Peter to pay Paco. But their strategy carries an inherent risk: Anyone willing to crawl across the desert to trim Warren Buffett’s hedges possesses a far stronger work ethic than a sizeable number of the Democrats’ base. When the newly acknowledged citizens find out they’re going to have to chip in to carry the corpulent dependent-class types who already sold their votes (and souls) to the Democrats in return for taxpayer-funded largesse, they may decide to deliver their votes to someone else. And they will have the muscle to play kingmaker.
In the meantime, some of the same people upon whom Obama and the Democrats want to bestow the gift of citizenship despite their flouting of the law are taking our money, our jobs and — in some cases — our lives.
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