
Monday, January 30, 2012

Why Gun Owners Should Be VERY Worried in 2012

Why Gun Owners Should Be VERY Worried in 2012

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Jan 28, 2012 4 Comments ›› Staff Writer
We’re slowly inching closer to the day when Barack Hussein Obama will sign the UN Small Arms Treaty, otherwise known as the “UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons.” The UN is set to adopt this gun registration and confiscation treaty in late August of 2012, and Obama has indicated that he will sign it into law, effectively nullifying our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. What’s equally troubling is that 75 percent of the Republican candidates for President have refused to answer questions about this treaty.
America will start to look like a very different country if Obama (or a Republican President) signs this treaty and the Senate ratifies it. As we’ve reported earlier, Obama sidestepped Senate approval of the global Internet censorship treaty by claiming it was an “executive agreement.” Perhaps he’ll do the same with this gun grabbing treaty; no need to follow the rule of law if you’re convinced that you’re right and the Senate might vote against you.
For those who are not familiar with the UN Small Arms Treaty, here’s what you should know:
  • The treaty affirms the right of GOVERNMENTS to keep and bear arms.
  • Gun manufacturers will be required to mark all firearms so they can be traced and tracked – by the government.
  • Ditto for ammunition manufacturers.
  • Individual countries will be required to pass laws that limit the “illicit” (defined as “not tracked by the government”) sale of small arms. Personal transactions at gun shows would fall under this loosely worded definition.
  • Countries will keep permanent records of all gun sales. Currently, the FBI claims that it only temporarily keeps the information when a federal background check is run during a gun purchase. These records would be kept permanently, making it easier for the government to locate (and confiscate) the gun down the road.
  • Legal sales of handguns, shotguns and hunting rifles would be severely curbed, not to mention recreational firearms and so-called “assault” weapons.
Obama stated in his 2008 debates against Hillary Clinton that even though there’s a federal Second Amendment, local states and cities have every right to curb legal gun ownership. In the Illinois state senate, he voted against a bill that would make it legal for a homeowner to shoot a burglar inside their house. He stated on an election survey in Illinois that he supports a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns. He also affirmed that he supports a ban on “assault” weapons and that he supports mandatory waiting periods and background checks for legal purchases.
Another quote from Obama: “I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry.” Obama also voted “No” on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers. In other words, Obama believes that if a burglar breaks into a home and shoots the homeowner in the leg, that person should be able to sue the gun maker.
Based on Obama’s anti-American stance on gun ownership, it’s clear that he will sign the UN gun confiscation treaty. We know he’s definitely in favor of marking and tracking the sale of firearms, since that’s exactly what he allegedly had Eric Holder do in Operation Fast and Furious (which led to the deaths of 3 border patrol agents and who knows how many civilians).
Unless they tweak the treaty even more, it may come up for a vote later this year. If the UN comes up with additional amendments, it may not come up for a vote until 2013. Three of the four remaining Republican candidates for President have repeatedly refused to answer this question: If elected, will you sign the UN Small Arms Treaty?

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