
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

TSA: Six Year-Olds Thoroughly Searched, Stun Guns Let Through

From Jihad Watch:

TSA: Six-year-olds thoroughly searched, stun guns let through

America is safe from six-year-old boys, but what's the big deal about a stun gun or two aboard an airplane? It isn't as if any Islamic jihadists want to fly airplanes into tall buildings, right? If there even are any Islamic jihadists.

"Stun gun left in jet seat," by Daniel Edward Rosen in the New York Post, July 11:

A flight-crew member found a stun gun on a JetBlue plane that had just discharged its passengers at Newark Airport after a flight from Boston, a source told The Post last night.

The FBI was conducting an investigation Monday after the Striker 1800 stun gun was found Friday by a cleaning crew inside the back pocket of a seat on board Jet Blue flight 1179, reported. The plane had just arrived from Boston and all passengers had disembarked....

Posted by Robert on July 11, 2011 6:02 AM

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