
Friday, July 1, 2011

The Sons Of Liberty #8: The Organization Of An Un-Organized Militia

From Outpost of Freedom:

Sons of Liberty

No 8

July 21, 1994

"That the Inhabitants of this County do meet on a certain Day appointed by this Committee, and having formed themselves into nine Companies, to wit, eight for the County, and one for the Town of Charlotte, do choose a Colonel and other military Officers, who shall hold and exercise their several Powers by Virtue of this Choice, and independent of Great-Britain, and former Constitution of this Province."

So reads the Fourth Resolve of the RESOLVES ADOPTED IN CHARLOTTE TOWN, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 31, 1775. Clearly the institution of the militia was predicated upon the authority of the citizenry as expressed through the Committee. The Mind has spoken, and the Body shall respond.

The sophistication of military units has evolved considerably in the past two hundred years. It is from the Second Regiment of the Florida Militia that the model structure for militia was taken. This model is loosely modeled after the United States Military and, perhaps, will establish a much more viable entity than might otherwise be created.

It should be remembered that military discipline is a necessity when dealing with military matters. The success of the operation and the survival of the unit is based upon the units ability to function as a team. It must also be equipped and versed in both its own activity and, as much as is possible, that of the enemy. It must also be diverse for our brains must compensate for deficiencies in equipment and manpower. As was true two hundred years ago our tactics can change the balance against what might otherwise be superior forces with which we might become engaged.

S-1 Clerical

The administrative agency necessary to conduct the activities of the militia.

S-2 Tactical

Planning, strategy, application of intelligence gathered and training.

S-3 Communications

From phone trees to communication with other units to battlefield communication.

S-4 Financial

Responsible for the acquisition and utilization of funds for the militia.

S-5 Public Affairs

An extension of the Public Affairs Committee of the Committee.

S-6 Logistics

Supplies, medical equipment and personnel, procurement, &c.

S-7 Command

This section is comprised of those officers appointed by the Committee, one of which would be assigned to take charge of each of the above sections.

The militia, by it"s very nature, should remain in a state of readiness. Discussions of a political nature should be excluded from all militia activities. Respect for rank and chain of command should be mandatory. Discipline, individual and unit responsibility should be primary.

The S-6 section, assuming either limitation of unit funding or desire of personnel to acquire equipment not issued by the unit, should be constantly in touch with other units and suppliers to assure that the best price possible be negotiated in every purchase. The acquisition and training of medical personnel is imperative for the very survival of the members, if under training or actual call of the militia. There should be no short cuts applied to this consideration. Ideally the militia would be funded by the Committee, and perhaps by it"s own fund raising activities. Issued equipment would serve much better than individual equipment utilization.

The S-5 section might be described as a psych-warfare or propaganda arm of the militia. In war every exigency warrants consideration.

The S-4 section is responsible to assure that all of the financial needs of the unit are met. Budgets prepared for and submitted to the Committee are a responsibility as well as fund raising on it"s own, should the need arise.

The S-3 section should, with the aid of S-6, procure the necessary equipment to assure that the unit is able to communicate (especially in a combat situation) with itself and other units operating in the area or operation. It is also advisable that they secure means to intercept enemy communications and to decode same.

The S-2 section is responsible for the overall planning and implementation of the militia. It might also be referred to as the intelligence section. Strategy, tactics, intelligence acquisition and dissemination are absolutely necessary for a successful campaign.

The S-1 section is responsible for all administrative functions, preparation and distribution of written orders and communications to all members of the unit. Determination of need for maps and other necessary information would be developed by this section. Acquisition requests should be administered by S-6.

S-7 section is the extension of the will of the people. Once orders are given, however, this section should not allow flexible (political) considerations to de-stabilize the unit or create risk to the militia. Composition of this section should be by selection of the Committee. However, dismissal for cause, should be the purview of the section itself. All officers should be commissioned by the Committee. However S-7 should provide recommendations to the Committee, based upon experience, not popularity.

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