
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quartzite, Arizona: Interesting Happenings

From Comittee of Safety Digest:

Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 14:55:56 -0700

From: "Gary Hunt"

Subject: [Committees of Safety] Quartzsite, Arizona -- Interesting



Message-ID: <003f01cc4015$5007ef90$f017ceb0$@com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Shades of Worchester, Massachusetts, 774 (see The End of the Revolution

and the Beginning of Independence


They need a Committee of Safety.



It's true -- Quartzsite is officially in a State of Emergency. According

to most police, this would indicate that normal law is suspended.

What is not so clear is why this declaration was made on Sunday morning

-- nor why the situation has been veiled in secrecy and even untruth.

Following a meeting Sunday morning at which Jennifer Jones [The Desert

Freedom Press ] reported

that she could hear enough of the meeting from outside the closed and

locked doors of the town hall gallery to know that attorney Martin

Brannan indicated that the town was in a state of emergency, Vice Mayor

Barbara Cowell reported to reporter Doug Guilford that there was no

emergency status. Their propaganda newspaper click HERE

, wasted no time in calling

everyone that reported this incident liars for alerting the public that

there had been just such an action taken.

Cowell subsequently refused to state what the meeting was about, and

later stated that she was confused about 'what the meeting was for.'

Perhaps I can shed some light on this issue.

The declaration of a state of emergency is a very serious undertaking.

Not only are laws temporarily suspended, so, too, are the rights of the

people. Until 1983, the declaration of martial law was all that was

typically implemented -- but even then only in situations of grave

danger. In other words, there was no real difference between declaring a

state of emergency and what was commonly referred to as 'martial law.'

Even now, the two must be interpreted according to what is transpiring

using what is intended to be accomplished as a guide. A law enforcement

official -- in this case Police Chief Jeff Gilbert -- can essentially

dictate during such a situation. Again: the rights of the people are

actually suspended.

Quartzsite is not in grave danger and to hold a special meeting to

address such a falsified threat and misrepresented level of danger is to

greatly over exaggerate what is transpiring here. Obviously, they wanted

to prevent the Mayor from having any authority -- but what else are they

trying to accomplish?

To so abuse whatever power by which such a state is declared is

indicative of very large problems indeed.

The right to declare a state of emergency is a state mandated right that

is held only by the elected Mayor of a municipality. [County situations

are governed by the reigning official there.]

Quartzsite, however, has attempted to suspend that right in order to

specifically prevent me from having any power whatsoever. This concerned

a question about water safety that happened when I was running for

office. Typical for Quartzsite, no officials were on duty -- or could

even be reached -- during that incident to properly respond. This story

is located here .

I and others were ultimately accused by these same two people -- town

manager Alexander Taft and police chief Jeff Gilbert -- of intentionally

attempting to create a panic in an effort to discredit me. There was

absolutely no foundation for such an accusation.

In the Arizona Independent story today, Gilbert is quoted as having said

that Jennifer Jones has been attempting to incite riots in the wake of

the video of her arrest during a Town Hall meeting becoming a sensation

on the Internet. The AZ Central story makes no mention whatsoever of the

QUARTZSITE10 [ten police officers representing 80% of the police force]

who have accused the Chief of Police with criminal activity -- while

providing over 200 pages of documentation to substantiate those claims.

There is, you see, a pattern of behavior here. They try to discredit

those that are exposing them -- and, more often than not, they use

entrapment to accomplish that goal.

If you muddy the water enough can the public be so confused they'll be

afraid to render a judgment?

While the Mayor's official duties were immediately restricted as I took

office in an unprecedented incident in which the 'acting Mayor' Wes

Huntley refused to vacate the Mayor's seat [while being booed by a large

audience of people] until most of the duties and responsibilities of the

Mayor's office were effectively rescinded by votes of the sitting

council, I was finally sworn in.

I was then not allowed my badge for an extended period of time and was

never allowed to utilize the Mayor's office at the Town Hall facility.

When I attempted to speak to Alexandra Taft at her office at Town Hall,

I was met by an angry Joe Winslow [now infamous in the Quartzsite video

in which he similarly attacks Jennifer 'Jade' Jones.]

Winslow charged towards me yelling, "You get the hell out of here --

you're not wanted here!"

This is a pattern of behavior with them. The council people are all hand

picked. They are the 'easily controlled. The gentleman orchestrating

all of this has bragged that he handpicked each of them -- including

Taft. His name is Dan Field and he now works at the county after people

in Quartzsite were demanding his ouster from here.

This council would never continue hiding these books in the wake of all

of this media attention and public outcry if there were not damning

evidence in those books.

Taft and her relative, the newly appointed 'Assistant Town Manager' Al

Johnson, have been accused of removing books from the Town Hall while

the Town Clerk was on vacation. They are hiding what they know will

prove the case against them -- a pattern of deceit.

I fully expect these people to continue their illegal activities in the

wake of the national media attention they are now receiving.

We will continue to expose these acts and report their illegal meetings,

demanding accountability and an independent audit of the financial

records to determine the extent of the crimes in committed in


Unwarranted accusations and attempts to confuse the issues will not be

useful to them in their plight.

They're still going to have to open the books and they're going to be

exposed, no matter how many crises they attempt to manufacture in an

effort to avoid disclosure.

And there's one significant difference now --

The world is


I'm Ed Foster, Mayor

Gary Hunt

Outpost of Freedom

An American, without apology;

and one who can think of no other time and place, in history, that I

would rather be alive.

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