
Friday, May 6, 2011

Un-Civil War: States' Attorneys General Rip Into Union-Controlled NLRB In Letter

From Red State:

Uncivil War: States’ Attorneys General Rip Into Union-Controlled NLRB in Letter

Posted by LaborUnionReport (Profile)

Thursday, April 28th at 6:30PM EDT


President Obama’s union-controlled NLRB isn’t making any friends these days (unless you count union bosses, of course).

Earlier this week, Obama’s labor board filed its lawsuit against Arizona and South Dakota for those states’ voters having the gall to pass amendments favoring the preservation of their right to a secret ballot.

This followed last week’s complaint against Boeing by the union-controlled NLRB where American businesses are learning that having honest discussions with unions about the consequences of their actions is a waste of time.

With good reason, the union-controlled agency has raised a lot of ire from politicians and pundits alike.

On Wednesday, though, the Attorneys General for Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia joined South Carolina’s Attorney General in ratcheting up the rhetoric even more, by co-signing a letter to the NLRB’s prosecutor-in-chief, Lafe Solomon.

While you can see the entire letter below, you get the sense of the tone in the first paragraph [with emphasis]:

As Attorneys General of our respective states, we call upon you, as Acting General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), to withdraw immediately the complaint numbered 19-CA-32431 against Boeing. This complaint represents an assault upon the constitutional right of free speech, and the ability of our states to create jobs and recruit industry. Your ill-conceived retaliatory action seeks to destroy our citizens’ right to work. It is South Carolina and Boeing today, but will be any of our states, with our right to work guarantees, tomorrow.

Attorney’s General Letter to NLRB Regarding Assault on Jobs

Attorney's General Letter to NLRB Regarding Assault on Jobs

Given the NLRB’s blatant preference to give unions the right to threaten employers and employees, it’s highly doubtful that the NLRB will respond to the Attorneys General with anything other than another poke in the eye.


“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


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