
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The TSA Has Gone Too Far

Via Terry

The TSA has gone too far.

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The TSA has gone too far. They have evolved into the Gestapo. Every time I travel I can't help but think how much this looks like a World War II movie and the scene is Nazi Germany.

"Papers out, everyone, mach schnell! Get your belongings and enter the vehicle immediately or you will be shot!"

The TSA people are rude and I have NEVER EVER seen one of them give any consideration or an act of human decency, when a traveler had a special need. It’s almost like they enjoy picking on people who have difficulties.

There are two castes of TSA people, I have decided. One is the morbidly obese worker that sits in a chair with a magazine and perhaps more, such as the one I saw with a boom box… just groovin' away on some tunes! This echelon of the TSA sits by the glass doors to make sure you don't go back or enter the wrong way. If you do the TSA-er will utter something that is often unintelligible, but by their tone you perceive that you have made a mistake. Grammar and elocution are not job requirements for the TSA. Those of us over 55 rarely understand the commands on the first try. With the background noise of the equipment and the P.A. system, it’s hard to figure out what to do. I once told a worker “I don’t understand” seven times, then said “I hear you, but I cannot understand what you want me to do.” In some locations, they talk in “shorthand” and I feel like I need an interpreter.

If a suicide bomber came running through the ropes and plastic chain barriers, the TSA guard would have to put down the ham sandwich and waddle out of the chair to go after him!

In the New Orleans Airport, I watched as a TSA guard waved a worker by with no examination. The worker was pushing a large wheeled trash cart, big enough to hold two 21 year-old insurgents with extra room for Semtex, C4, Dynamite, Det Cord, etc. “Hiya doin girl?” was the only inquiry. There was no movement from the chair. It was a fold-up chair such as you take to your kid’s soccer game. I suspect that the reason was that sitting down is actually not permitted. She brings her own seat.

The second caste is the collection of people who have dreamed all their lives about being in a powerful position so that they could mess with people who had to do whatever they said. The guys want to make sure that they aren't going to take any crap from you and if you don't do exactly what they say, they will restrain you with the handcuffs that they have practiced applying to "perps," which is how they view the non compliant traveler. If things get really sporty, the TS-A-hole-ster will get to use his baton or maybe even the TASER. He practices these at home in front of the mirror, maybe even with a blow-up doll.

Sometimes, these people make me afraid. I don't feel like they have had the same training as a regular police officer or sheriff’s deputy. I am concerned that they don't get psychologically screened like other law enforcement agencies do. At least that's how they act. I had one guy fuss at me because he didn't like the way I chose a bin to put my items in. I had been scooted down the line a bit by other eager travelers, and so I was in the middle of the input conveyer. I grabbed a bin in front of me, not the last bin in the stream. He was loud, had an angry tone and expression, and asked me one of those pregnant questions like "Sir, are you attempting to disrupt the screening? If so, you may be subject to detention for an evaluation.” The leather creeched as he pressed his hands on his duty rig with weapons and other gear.

Once I saw a female traveler whose carry on was demanded to be opened for inspection. She had wrapped her good jewelry in her lingerie. This 6'4" GED educated man took out her panties, unfolded them and held them up in front of him. This well dressed, well groomed female executive was humiliated. When I saw her eyes well up I went over and asked the guard if this was really necessary, and if so, couldn't he do it in private? He told me that I was interfering with an investigation and was in jeopardy of being detained for questioning.

Another time I saw a woman with whom I am acquainted pulled from the boarding queue for questioning. She is from southwest Asia and accordingly her skin color is typical of that region. That is the only reason she was pulled. However, she was wearing business clothing befitting a C-level corporate executive and was immaculately groomed, and conservatively dressed. What the two goons did not know was that the company she started and leads does disaster planning, emergency management and predictive modeling for the U.S. government. This company has offices in several U.S. cities including Washington, D.C... As she stood there wondering if she was going to miss her flight, the Transportation Slowdown Anencephalics were wanding her in a "spread-em wide or else" pose. A few days later I wrote the TSA about this but never got a response.

Finally, my last observation: I saw the TSA thugs pull an elderly Asian couple out of the line for "random screening." The man appeared to have a cognitive disorder. Both of them were frail and had difficulty moving at the pace the TSA guys insisted. I think anyone on our plane would have said, "These folks don't have a bomb and we will take a chance on them." I don't know where they were going or coming from, but it was certainly not Al-Qaeda.

This is out of control! The terrorists have won. We have lost the ability to have the tender moments before departure with our loved ones.

We need a better plan. The way it is now, we must be groped and assaulted, viewed as though nude, forced through a chute without our shoes, belts and valuables. Nail clippers and other ordinary objects are confiscated.

This is unlawful and unreasonable searching, and a violation of the Fourth Amendment. I know, I know, this issue has been argued and tried, and the court found that the searches are in the public interest because they are minimally invasive. They also found that it was not discriminatory because the personal searches were being applied to everyone. But at the time of that decision, the searches were less invasive. Now we have "I can see you naked" machines and nasty looking people in polyester uniforms that are groping breasts and genitalia.

I think that this is wrong. I am not going to permit it. If that means that I cannot fly, so be it. I hope others will join my boycott. Once the airlines start losing travelers, they will help do something about it. The way this whole “security measure” is executed is a national disgrace. We can do better than this.

Here’s an idea: Let’s make all the members of Congress and any governmental employee from the President on down, civilian, military, law enforcement, dog catcher, ANYBODY have to submit to this anytime they have to board a plane. I mean ANYTIME. Right now, these people aren’t going through this. Once they do, they are going to get mad about it just like us! They will do something about it.

OK elected officials: If you want to show us that you are “OF THE PEOPLE,” go through the TSA routine every time you fly.

I think we may be waiting for hell to freeze over. I’m just sick and tired of being treated like cattle, or being treated like a criminal. How about you?

Let’s encourage EVERYONE to use the words “I OPT OUT” at the TSA checkpoints. One little tip: Add extra time for your departure.

-Another p^$$*d off American.

May 12, 2011
Baton Rouge


Reply to Terrence Popravak, Jr.


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