
Friday, May 13, 2011

Some Proposed Constitutional Amendments

I wrote these up while Blogger was down for two evenings in a row.

Proposed 28th Amendment: Reform of the Legislative Branch. 1) Congress shall make no law to which it itself is not subject, 2) Congress shall not require activities of the States which are not funded by the Federal government (no un-funded mandates), 3) (One Bill, One Purpose, One Title, No un-related amendments) (also from the Confederate Constitution) Every law, or resolution having the force of law, shall relate to but one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title.4) Legislation will cite its Constitutional derivation, 5) Reform of the Senate: the Repeal of the 17th Amendment--the direct election of Senators is abolished and Senators will again be selected by the States (nominated by Governors, approved by Legislatures), 6) Reform of the House of Representatives: the House of Representatives shall consist of one Representative per no more than 500,000 citizens per district in a State, and the total number of Representatives shall not be limited. (as it has been, arbitrarily, since 1929) Districts will be apportioned to be as equal nationwide as possible, in accordance with the principle of one man, one vote. (this would result in about 750+ Representatives). 7) Senators and Representatives may be recalled by their States/constituents.

Proposed 29th Amendment: Reform of the Judicial Branch. The practice of life-time appointments to the Federal judiciary is abolished. Judges and Justices shall be appointed to ten-year terms.

Proposed 30th Amendment: Reform of the Executive Branch. 1) (The Line-Item Veto) (from the Confederate Constitution) The President may approve any appropriation and disapprove any other appropriation in the same bill. In such case he shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropriations disapproved; and shall return a copy of such appropriations, with his objections, to the House in which the bill shall have originated; and the same proceedings shall then be had as in case of other bills disapproved by the President. 2) To place Presidential nominees immediately into position, providing the Senate with 120 days to reject the nominee before the appointment is automatically permanent (proposed in 2003-2004), 3)The President shall make no appointments not subject to the approval of the Senate. (no more czars)

Proposed 31st Amendment: 1) The 16th Amendment is hereby repealed, the unequal and unfair progressive-rate Federal Income Tax is abolished and the independent Federal Reserve is abolished due to its de-basement of the Dollar (98% of value lost in 100 years). A reformed Federal Reserve system, subject to Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive may be formed. Increases in allowed revenues will require 3/5 majorities in both the Senate and the House.

Proposed 32nd Amendment: The Balanced-Budget Amendment. The Federal government of the United States shall spend no more than its revenues (from excise taxes and port duties) (which were its revenue until the adoption of the 16th Amendment) (A Balanced Budget previously passed by the Senate also requires for the Federal Government to fund those activities it requires of the States )(no more unfunded mandates). Debt may be incurred with the approval of 4/5ths of the Congress, and in times of a Declared War.

Proposed 33rd Amendment: The Armed Forces of the United States shall not engage in armed conflict without a Declaration of War by the United States Congress. Congress shall not make or declare war, or authorize acts of hostility against any foreign nation, without the concurrence of two-thirds of both Houses, except such acts of hostility be in defense of the territories of the United States when actually invaded (this is from The Hartford Convention in 1814)

Proposed 34th Amendment: Federal Definition of Marriage: Marriage is instituted by the Creator, a gift to mankind, the foundation of the family and society, and shall consist of one man and one woman. Other unions and social arrangements are left to the States to regulate.

Proposed 35th Amendment: The Sanctity of Life. To declare that life begins at conception and that the 5th and 14th amendments apply to unborn children. (from 1999-2000 Congress) The practice of infanticide, "abortion" is proscribed.

Proposed 36th Amendment: The Official Language of the United States is English. The States may designate additional languages (i.e. Spanish) as they deem necessary to the conduct of good government.

Proposed 37th Amendment: The Rights and Benefits of Citizenship. The Rights and Benefits of Citizens of the United States and Constitutional protections of said Citizens will not be accorded to anyone not a natural-born or naturalized citizen, a resident alien, representatives of foreign powers, visitors (those required to have visas, and those who are not required to have them) or Federally-recognized refugees given safe haven by Act of Congress, approved by the President.

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