
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Is Obama Really In Over HIs Head?

From Personal Liberty Digest:

Is Obama Really In Over His Head?

May 3, 2011 by Robert Ringer

I wish Republicans would stop saying that President Barack Obama is not serious about the budget deficit. It’s simply not true. He’s very serious about it. In fact, he is determined to increase it to the point that it brings about a total collapse of the United States economy.

Destroying capitalism in the U.S. is a “dream” that Obama got from his now-deceased father — the alcoholic polygamist and communist from Kenya who once touted the idea of a 100 percent income tax.

The conventional wisdom of the conservative media is that “Obama is in over his head.” Whenever I hear this — which is pretty much every day — I wonder what planet these guys are living on. Do they read? Have they researched his background at all? Are they not just a bit suspicious about his never-ending appointments of anti-capitalist radicals to high positions in government?

Do they believe that the nonstop lies, the childish, nasty smear tactics and the smart-aleck lectures this make-believe President engages in day in and day out are simply business-as-usual political theater? When I say smart aleck, I’m talking about a guy who:

■Calls raising taxes on the rich a “spending cut.”

■Talks about the “extension of the Bush tax cuts” as though the money people are allowed to keep really belongs to the government.

■Wants to appoint a commission to investigate oil and gas speculators when he knows full well that the main reason for escalating oil prices is the decline of the dollar — caused by his own class-warfare spending agenda!

■Says that “we have to stop playing politics with the deficit” even as he applies ever-larger doses of politic gamesmanship to the subject.

■Continues to cavalierly state that, thanks to his “stimulus plan,” the United States “escaped a bullet” and is “now recovering.”

… ad nauseam.

As to the infamous recovery that the media also continually alludes to, forget about it. It’s an illusion. We are, and have been for decades, in an invisible depression made possible by monetary inflation, easy credit and artificially high wages.

It’s time to get real and admit that Obama is not just another ultra-liberal President cut in the mold of Bill Clinton. It’s time to stop tiptoeing and pretending. It’s time to say it: We have a communist in the White House! Say it out loud. Say it clearly. Say it with conviction: communist.

It’s just a matter of getting over that little truth-resistor hump in your brain that thinks of America in terms of what it was in bygone days. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but that America no longer exists.

The major question of our time is: Will the bad guys win and build a new America where people will be prevented from creating wealth and where freedom will be virtually nonexistent, or will the good guys prevail and rebuild an America that is based on our founding principles, but with harsh safeguards put in place to prevent collectivism, in any form, from ever again gaining a foothold?

The United States is hanging onto the edge of a financial cliff by its economic fingernails. And Obama and the progressives in Congress know that all it will take to loosen that fingernail grip is to have more and more debt piled on top of it.

Obama’s objective from day one has been to punish those who are prosperous and transfer their wealth to those he deems to be the “exploited” class. As he has made it clear throughout his adult life, it’s all about “fairness” to him. And he is so close to pushing the U.S. over the financial edge and into the abyss that he can taste it. He’s come too far, too fast, to allow anyone slow him down now.

Which is why he will be the first President in U.S. history to spend 95 percent of his time during the last year and a half of his first term in office campaigning for his re-election. And he’s smart to do it. After all, he accomplished things in his first two years in office that no one thought was possible in such a short period of time.

As a result, the fundamental transformation of America has already happened. It’s just a matter of cementing it permanently into place. And to do that, Obama needs another four years.

The reason so many people — not just conservative media types and Republicans, but conservative and independent voters as well — are living in gaga land when it comes to Obama’s true intentions is because of a phenomenon known as “normalcy bias,” a mental state that causes people to not take seriously the possibility of a crisis that is outside their normal, day-to-day experience.

Most people don’t see an Obamaclysm as a serious threat, because they have never experienced an angry, anti-American President whose life’s dream is to destroy the Western way of life. Thus, they downplay it in their minds and refuse to see it as a crisis.

The normalcy bias has taken the lives of millions of people throughout history and wreaked misery on millions more, which is why it is up to each and every one of us to awaken as many people as possible from their normalcy-bias slumber before the 2012 election. Four more years of a communist in the White House will be quite sufficient to permanently cement the fundamental transformation of America into place.

Warning: Do not lose sight of the fact that if Republicans make the mistake of selecting a candidate who is nothing more than a progressive in conservative’s clothing, even if he defeats Chairman Obama, America will still continue to move toward a collectivist, totalitarian government — just at a slower pace and thus far less noticeable to millions of walking-dead voters.

It’s important to give Obama the boot, but it’s just as important to replace him with a true conservative—or, better yet, a true libertarian-centered conservative. If Republicans are foolish enough to select as their Presidential candidate another “compassionate conservative” who insists that “in government, you never get everything you want,” we’re all going to end up getting the government they deserve.

Keep this in mind when the hoopla starts over the new crop of Republicans candidates, lest a John McCain think-alike sneaks in again — in which case we’d probably be better off to just let BHO go ahead and finish off the job quickly.

–Robert Ringer

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