
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Government Lies And The Failure Of The Corporate Media

From Persoanl Liberty Digest:

Government Lies And The Failure Of The Corporate Media

May 9, 2011 by Bob Livingston

There was once a time when the media understood it had a job to do: Question everything, take nothing for granted and do whatever it takes to ferret out the truth.

Sadly, that time has passed. Now, the corporate media blindly accepts its nuggets of food from its government master — never questioning and often cheerleading rather than reporting, especially if that master is a socialist like the one we have in Washington, D.C., today.

Take the ever-changing story of the Osama bin Laden execution. It has become quite evident that either no one in or around the White House knows exactly what happened, or the whole story is a lie and the Administration is simply very bad at lying. But despite the discrepancies, the media continues to parrot the official version… whatever it happens to be at the time.

When first announced, the story was expressed thusly: A secretive Navy Seal team dropped into a million-dollar compound where bin Laden had been hiding for a number of years. Searching for bin Laden, the Seals fought their way through a phalanx of bodyguards. During an intense firefight — which was observed in real time by President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CIA Director Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and a number of others in the White House Situation Room (a photo of this happening was put out by the White House) — bin Laden, hiding behind a woman and firing away with a weapon, was shot twice in the head. Two women were shot, one mortally.

The Seal team snatched bin Laden’s body and some computer hard drives and made off. Bin Laden’s DNA was quickly and accurately matched with that of his half sister, his iris was scanned and his body was photographed. After that, his body was prepared according to the Muslim tradition and dumped into the sea.

From there, the story has taken on a life of its own. In the hours after the news first became public, many media outlets began running a photograph of bin Laden with obvious head trauma. That photo was quickly deemed a hoax. It was, in fact, a Photoshopped photo combination of bin Laden and an unidentified Muslim man who had suffered a massive head wound.

As the week progressed, more and more of the story came into question or was changed by officials inside the White House… and Obama himself:

■The intelligence gleaned as a result of enhanced interrogation resulted in the execution of bin Laden… but it didn’t.

■The Pakistani government knew about the raid in advance, then they didn’t, then they actually participated, then they didn’t.

■Bin Laden was not really hiding behind a woman, nor did he fire a gun. But he did resist. What that resistance was no one will say.

■A woman was killed in the crossfire… or not.

■The “mansion” was not really a $1 million compound, but a decrepit building without air or any luxuries and worth much less.

■The firefight involved some shots fired by one of bin Laden’s couriers — who was killed — as the Seal team entered the compound. The only other shots were fired by the Seals.

■The Seals were to capture bin Laden if possible… or shoot him on sight. The Seals shot an unarmed bin Laden in “self-defense.”

■Bin Laden was shot once in the head and once in the chest, not twice in the head.

■The President and his staff didn’t really watch the mission — Panetta says the video feed went dark as soon as the Seals entered the compound. The photo of this event was a complete fake.

■There are photos of a dead bin Laden, and the Administration planned to release them. Then, it decided not to.

■The Administration claims there is video of him being buried at sea and the video would be released. Er… not really.

■The DNA test, performed mere moments after his death, is conclusive because it was compared to DNA from bin Laden’s half sister who died of cancer. There is also facial-recognition software proof… even though his head was ravaged too badly from the one bullet that hit him in the head (not two, as first announced) for the photo to be released.

All of this is political theater designed to bolster Obama’s sagging approval rating and distract attention from his three wars, the failing economy, the ongoing unemployment crisis, rising gas prices, Obamacare and the upcoming release of Jerome Corsi’s book “Where’s the Birth Certificate?.” And there may be one other reason… as a pretense to open up a fourth front in the “War on Terror” in Pakistan.

As we have told you before, bin Laden has been dead for several years — probably since 2001. There have been statements by many who would know that have been printed in the corporate media. Remember? He was bombed in Tora Bora. He needed dialysis. He was killed by his own security guard. He had a liver problem. He had Marfan syndrome, etc.

But the administrations of former President George W. Bush and Obama have purposely kept (the idea of) bin Laden alive to give them a bogeyman to trot out whenever they needed a public relations boost. Bush did it around election time, and now Obama is doing it when he needs something to distract the masses from their woes.

Bin Laden was a CIA creation. First used to keep the Soviet Union bottled up in Afghanistan, bin Laden then became useful to the CIA when it was time for government to tighten its grip on American freedoms and set that in motion by setting off a false flag attack on America.

I don’t know who the Navy Seal team killed when it raided that rundown Pakistani compound. The Reuters news agency released photos it claims come from the compound that show three dead men bleeding from the ears, nose and mouth. These are reported to have come from a Pakistani security agent who entered the compound moments after bin Laden was shot.

But the most disturbing part of the whole story is the exuberant cheerleading by corporate media — led by Fox News. None of the media has bothered to question the constantly changing narrative, much less why it has changed so often. None has sought proof that bin Laden was killed at the compound on Sunday, and few have bothered to ask what was to be gained by a hasty sea burial of the “Most Wanted Terrorist.”

Rather, the media has taken it on blind faith that its government would not, could not lie — even as it helps the administration fake still photos of the President’s news conference after the actual televised address is completed.

And so we are told we are safer now that bin Laden is dead… except we are also told we are not because now there is an even greater threat of terror attacks, according to some intelligence found at the bin Laden compound.

A couple of things are certain in all this: Our government has used the “War on Terror” as an excuse to steal our liberty under the guise of keeping us safer. Our rights guaranteed under the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendments are being chipped away each day.

The government has lied about the events that occurred at the Pakistani compound that was ostensibly the home of Osama bin Laden for the past several years.

What other lies are we being fed?

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