
Sunday, March 27, 2011

SEIU Involved In Clear Case Of Economic Terrorism

From Glenn Beck:

UPDATED – Beck: “Clear case of economic terrorism”

Tuesday, Mar 22, 2011 at 2:38 PM EDT

See the full video and read analysis from The Blaze here. Business Insider has posted a full transcript and their analysis here.

On radio this morning, Glenn broke a story that he called a “clear case of economic terrorism”. In shocking audio Glenn received over the weekend, former SEIU leader Steven Lerner lays out a plan to attack JP Morgan Chase.

“Yesterday afternoon in my office, Scott Baker came in from The Blaze and he said here is the tape I said I want the unedited tape. He said it’s 25 minutes. This is the unedited tape. We listened to it,” Glenn described.

“I called in all of the producers. I called in all the heads of my company, and we sat in a room and we listened to Americans describe how they were going to take down a major U.S. bank in May and how they were going to collapse the stock market and bring on a second economic collapse, how this could not appear to be coordinated and could not appear to be coordinated or union‑backed, how the unions were dead and the only way to really restart the unions is to collapse the system.”

“When you hear this tape, you will recognize some of the things that we have been warning about. You will recognize what I believe the Pentagon was warning people about.”

Stu gave the context on who exactly Steven Lerner is, “The entire time [Glenn was] speaking about SEIU, this guy, by his own description, was the director of SEIU’s banking and finance campaign. He’s not just some guy in some little group. He is a big figure in SEIU until very recently and the entire time you were talking about SEIU, this is the guy heading up the banking.”

You can listen to the full audio below (story continues after the clip):

“So you know, this tape is now being delivered to the bank in question, J.P. Morgan Chase. It is also being delivered to the justice department and this is the clearest case of economic terrorism I think I have seen,” Glenn said.

Why would this group pick JP Morgan Chase as their primary target? Glenn’s believes that it’s because they are one of the strongest banks out there. “Because if they can bring down J.P. Morgan Chase, that’s the strongest of the bunch. If they can bring down J.P. Morgan Chase, who can’t they bring down?”

Lerner also said that leftist leaders must convince their followers that the country is not broke, but that the wealth is all in the hands of the rich.

Glenn said, “You must alert all of your friends. Whenever you hear someone say there’s plenty of money, it’s just in the wrong hands or it’s just in the hands of these greedy bankers, you know they’re part of this strategy. Have you heard anyone say we have plenty of money? Think to the discussions that you heard in the last four weeks in Wisconsin.”

Glenn explained that the only way for this plan and ones like it to be stopped is for listeners, readers, and viewers to spread the evidence to their friends and family members. “I’d rather be laughed at, called a conspiracy freak, et cetera, et cetera and save the country. The way the country is saved is not by us, but by you. You must spread this information and know that people are trying to play you.”

“You can call it a conspiracy theory, but the language that he uses is already being used by labor leaders and those who are whipping people up into a frenzy in Wisconsin and wait until you see how they are going to use the state and county and local labor unions to do exactly what they did to the housing market. It’s the same tactic, gang. The same tactic. And it ends with the destruction of the economic system of the United States of America. They are bringing it on through chaos and bringing down of Wall Street and the stock market.”

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