
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Obama Destroys A Masculine Military

From Floyd Reports:

Obama Destroys the Masculine Military

Posted on March 14, 2011 by Guest Writer

by Suzanne Eovaldi

The repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” just foisted on us by the lame duck Democrats and Obama hides the real reason they are determined to make this happen. Their hidden agenda is breaking up the military’s traditional Republican voting bloc. Just think of how unprincipled the effort to force heterosexual soldiers to share next-bunk intimacy with homosexuals becomes when we realize it’s being done to introduce a liberal voting bloc into the traditionally conservative military services, which vote their conscience and support moral Biblical values.

“Allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military would likely result, for the first time, in heterosexuals being forced to cohabit with those who may view them as a potential sexual object,” says Peter Sprigg, author of an outstanding study of this problem for WorldNet Daily’s Whistleblower magazine. He points out a Family Research Council’s study finding that “military privacy plus the dangers of interjecting sexual tension into a combat zone shows there is already a significant problem of homosexual misconduct.”

One Navy veteran who was 17 at the time tells of being molested twice within his first year of service by gay sailors. “I can’t imagine what it will do to our military readiness if they are allowed to serve openly,” he added.

And what about WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning, now in the brig and facing even more charges for putting our country’s defense in danger? Manning, who is homosexual, “endangered lives, national security and international relationships,” says Maj. Gen. Pat Brady in a copyright expose.

Another veteran who didn’t want his name revealed told Whistleblower, “Someone should track VA disability claims made by gays who contract AIDS while in service. This means that money will be spent on them that would otherwise be used to help wounded and others with claims not related to their perverted behavior.”

Reporter Cliff Kincaid points out that “homosexuals in the armed forces coming down with HIV/AIDS cost at least $18,000-$20,000 a year per patient.” While our media simply refuse to broach this painful topic, “according to the FDA, homosexual men have an HIV prevalence 60 times higher than the general population, 800 times higher than first-time blood donors and 8,000 times higher than repeat blood donors,” says WND editor Chelsea Schilling. What about battlefield wounds?

Adm. Jeremiah Denton, the Vietnam POW who blinked out “torture” in Morse Code from his Hanoi Hilton prison interview, has a negative view of politicians forcing social engineering on our U.S. military, which is “not set up to respond to hurt feelings.” He sees the DADT debate to be another symptom “of our progressive abandonment of the principles which brought this nation from birth to unparalleled world power.” Navy pilot Eugene B. McDaniel, shot down and imprisoned nearly six years as a POW, told Whistleblower simply, “There is no upside” to repealing DADT.

The source material for this essay came from: “Dropping the ‘H’-Bomb,” WHISTLEBLOWER, February, 2011, published by

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