
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Obama Administration Tells Darrell Issa To Go To HELL

From Human Events:

Obama Administration Tells Darrell Issa to Go to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

by Erick Erickson


Congressman Issa will not get the documents he is requesting from the Department of Homeland Security.

The Daily Caller has the story.

Congressman Issa, now in charge of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent the DHS a demand for documents. Those documents have never arrived.

More troubling, according to Issa:

Top DHS officials actually instructed career employees not to search for the documents he is requesting.

“I was disappointed to learn that on or about Jan. 20, 2011, DHS’s Office of General Counsel instructed career staff in the Privacy Office not to search for documents responsive to my request,” Issa says in the Feb. 1 letter.

More troubling, DHS officials have told career bureaucrats to send all the documents to Barack Obama’s political team to review for sending the documents on. We’ve known for a while that everything the Obama Administration does is political, but this is a telling example that even compliance with Congress has descended into a political fight.

From Department of Justice inquiries to Freedom of Information Act requests, future Republican White Houses will now have some great precedent set by the Obama Administration.

Of course the question is — what are they hiding?


Mr. Erickson is the managing editor at RedState.

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