
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eric Holder Partners With Fidel Castro Again

From Town Hall:

Humberto Fontova

Eric Holder Partners with Fidel Castro Again

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Sign-Up Last week the U.S. Dept. of Justice, at U.S. taxpayer expense, transported a Lieutenant Colonel of Fidel Castro’s KGB-trained secret police named Roberto Hernandez-Caballero to a U.S. courtroom.

The U.S. State Dept. classifies Cuba as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism,” and Fidel Castro classifies the U.S. as “the Great Enemy of Mankind!” A former regime-colleague of Hernandez-Caballero sits in a U.S. federal prison after conviction in “the the most damaging spy scandal against the U.S. since the end of the Cold War.” Her name is Ana Montes and she was convicted in a different U.S. courtroom of the same crimes as Ethel and Julius Rosenberg–but on behalf of Fidel Castro.

Other regime-colleagues of Senor Hernandez-Caballero named Elsa Montero, Jose Abad and Roberto Santiesteban were nabbed in the nick of time by J Edgar Hoover’s FBI and booted from the U.S. for plotting to detonate 500 kilos of TNT in Macy’s, Gimbel’s, Bloomingdale’s and Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminal on Black Friday 1962. Macy’s get’s 50,000 shoppers that one day.

Other regime-colleagues of Hernandez-Caballero, one named Fernando Vecino-Alegret, helped torture American POW’s to death in Hanoi. In 1967 Fidel Castro sent several of his regime's most promising sadists to North Vietnamese prison camps to instruct the Vietnamese reds in finer points of their profession. Testimony during Congressional hearings titled, "The Cuban Torture Program; Torture of American Prisoners by Cuban Agents" held on November 1999 provide some of the harrowing details.

The communists titled their torture program "the Cuba Project," and it took place during 67-68 primarily at the Cu Loc POW camp (also known as "The Zoo") on the southwestern edge of Hanoi. In brief, this "Cuba Project" was a Joseph Mengelese experiment run by Castroite Cubans to determine how much physical and psychological agony a human can endure before cracking.

The North Vietnamese—please note!--never, ever asked the Castroites for advice on combat. They knew better. Unlike director Steven Soderbergh, they saw through the whole "Che as Guerrilla" hoopla for what it was and is: a Castroite hoax to camouflage the Inspector Clousseau-like bumblings of an incurable military idiot--and more specifically, Castro's own hand in the idiot's offing.

No, the North Vietnamese sought Castroite tutelage only on torture of the defenseless, well aware of the Castroites expertise in this matter.

For their experiment the Castroites chose twenty American POWs. One died: Lieutenant Colonel Earl Cobeil, an Air Force F-105 pilot. His death came slowly, in agonizing stages, under torture. Upon learning his Castroite Cuban affiliation, the American POWs nicknamed Cobeil's Cuban torturer, "Fidel."

"The difference between the Vietnamese and "Fidel' was that once the Vietnamese got what they wanted they let up, at least for a while,” testified fellow POW Captain Ray Vohden USN. “Not so with the Cubans. Earl Cobeil had resisted 'Fidel' to the maximum. I heard the thud of the belt falling on Cobeil's body again and again, as Fidel screamed "you son of a beech! I will show you! Kneel down!--KNEEL DOWN!” The Cubans unmercifully beat a mentally defenseless, sick American naval pilot to death."

"Earl Cobeil was a complete physical disaster when we saw him," testified another fellow POW, Col. Jack Bomar. "He had been tortured for days and days and days. His hands were almost severed from the manacles. He had bamboo in his shins. All kinds of welts up and down all over; his face was bloody. Then 'Fidel' began to beat him with a fan belt.”

According to the book Honor Bound the tortures of U.S. POWs by Castro’s agents (Hernandez-Caballero’s colleagues) were “the worst sieges of torture any American withstood in Hanoi.”

Until quite recently the chief Castroite torturer in North Vietnam, Fernando Vecino- Alegret, served as Cuba's "Minister of Education." So he’ll probably smilingly host many of those visiting delegations of smiling U.S. scholars and educators as a result of Obama’s recent promotion of “people-to-people” exchanges with Cuba.

Vecino-Alegret’s colleague Hernandez-Caballero, however, was not transported to a U.S. courtroom this week to defend himself against charges of being an official of a regime that murdered more political prisoners in its first three years in power than Hitler murdered in his first six, jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin, has sponsored terrorism for half a century, came closest to nuking the United States, and gratuitously tortured American POW’s.

Instead Mr Hernandez-Caballero is here to testify against Luis Posada Carriles, and thus try to help the U.S. Justice Dept. convict a one-time military colleague of the American’s tortured to death by his (Hernandez-Caballero’s) colleagues in North Vietnam. Fidel Castro considers Luis Posada Carriles his number one enemy in the world. Posada volunteered for the Bay of Pigs invasion, and later joined the U.S. army emerging as a 2nd Lieutenant. After retiring from the U.S. Army he worked for the CIA putting out Soviet-started fires throughout Latin America. Among other projects, Posada helped the Reagan team squash Communism in Nicaragua by helping arms and train the Nicaraguan Contras. A few years later in Guatemala a Castro appointed death-squad ambushed Posada, riddled him with bullets and left him crippled.

He missed him then but, with Eric Holder’s help, Castro is still after Posada. Eric Holder’s Justice Department considers Posada a criminal for entering the U.S. illegally from Latin America. Since we seem to have so little of that nowadays, Obama’s justice department can afford to concentrate major muscle in going after Posada--with Castro’s help.

Eric Holder, let’s remember, also signed the order for the INS to mace, kick, stomp, and gun-butt their way into Lazaro Gonzalez's house on the morning of April 22, 2000, wrench a bawling 6-year-old child from his family at machine-gun point and bundle him off to Castro’s Stalinist fiefdom, leaving 102 people injured, some seriously.

Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova is the author of four books including Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who idolize Him and Fidel; Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant. Visit

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