
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Congressional Over-Sight Of The Obama Regime's DOJ Finally Begins

From The American Thinker:

January 08, 2011

Oversight of the Department of Justice finally begins

Ed Lasky

The Department of Justice has been heavily politicized by Eric Holder and those officials he has appointed and overseen as our Attorney General. He has not only bumbled the terrorism issue, Federalism issues regarding Arizona's enforcement of immigration laws, worsened relations with our intelligence agencies, but he has also been stonewalling efforts by the Civil Rights Commission, journalists, and Congressman to get to the bottom of allegations that the Department has adopted a less than color-blind approach to the enforcement of laws-particularly, but not limited to, the New Black Panthers Party case.

Some attorneys who worked in the Civil Rights division of the DOJ have alleged that there is a policy to turn a blind eye when the voting rights of whites are violated. According to testimony from a former attorney , one political appointee directed DOJ attorneys "not to bring cases against black defendants for the benefit of white victims".

Congressman Lamar Smith (Republican-Texas) has been trying to investigate these issues - as well as spending at the DOJ - for a couple of years.

He was stymied by the Democratic chairman and majority composition of the House Judiciary Committee. They preferred a see no evil, hear no evil approach towards "oversight" when it came to Eric Holder.

Those days are now over, and the new Chairman of the House Judiciary committee (who happens to be ....Lamar Smith) has issued his first oversight letter to the Department of Justice.

Hopefully , justice will be served.

Jennifer Rubin - who has done superb work covering these issues - has the scoop.

Posted at 09:55 AM

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