
Monday, January 31, 2011

Ann Coulter: I'm Torn On Today's ObamaCare Ruling...I Just Got My White House Waiver

From Gateway Pundit:

9:10 PM (2 hours ago)Ann Coulter: I’m Torn on Today’s Obamacare Ruling… I Just Got My White House Waiver (Video)from Gateway Pundit by Jim HoftAnn Coulter and Sean Hannity discussed today’s ruling in Florida that found Obamacare to be unconstitutional. Coulter told Hannity,

“I’m torn on today’s ruling… I just got my White House waiver.”

Too funny.

Ann Coulter on today’s Obamacare ruling:

“So right now federal officials are not allowed to enforce Obamacare. Though, I am torn, because on one hand the law is clearly unconstitutional. On the other hand, I just got my White House waiver…

I must say, there are two court opinions on each side. Obviously, I find the two that find the two that call it unconstitutional more compelling for logical reasons. There’s no point in having any limits on Congress’s authority if they can force all citizens to buy a product. And, by the way, if this is constitutional then Republicans should turn around and mandate that all citizens be force to purchase a gun and a Bible. And, there’s a lot more evidence that owning a gun and a Bible is better for society than everyone having to buy health insurance.”

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