
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why We Distrust You (The Congress)

from The American Thinker:

December 26, 2010

Why we distrust you

Peter Smith

As Margaret Thatcher reminded us in her eulogy to Ronald Reagan we have Reagan's example to follow and help lead us into the future. As the centennial anniversary of Reagan's birth dawns across America the 112th Congress will begin their first day at work by a full reading of the Constitution of the United States of America.

This will be a bold and long waited for action that should be the first order of business for every newly elected Congress. The Reagan example encourages us to hold true to our firm principles and act upon them. Allies once looked toward America for this firm leadership. America as a great force and spirit historically lifted the world.

This 112th Congress will seek out a new resolve to come together and meet the challenges that face America. New members of Congress must bring forth a Reagan candidness and tough approach toward establishing new relationships. Just as Reagan exclaimed in reaching out to Gorbachev, freshmen members of Congress should greet returning members with "Let me tell you why it is that we distrust you."

Posted at 03:51 PM

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