
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sharpton Advocates Censoring Rush

From Newsbusters and Vision to America:

Sharpton For Censoring Rush: 'Imagine The Arrogance Of Allowing People To Say What They Want!'

By Mark Finkelstein
December 22, 2010

Welcome to Al Sharpton's Brave New Radio World. A world in which the FCC would take a hard look at the licenses of stations that carry Rush Limbaugh. Al is outraged at the prospect that the FCC would "allow people to say what they want."

Ed Schultz has, as I've noted, been offering Sharpton a serial stage to trumpet his censoring threats, and there was Al at it again tonight. According to the Reverend, the FCC should clamp down not merely on "explicit" racism, sexism or homophobia, but also on any of those isms or phobias in their "implicit" forms. Got that? Against the repeal of DADT? Implicit homophobia! Off with your license!

View video after the jump.

Watch Al, with Schultz's tacit approval, send a very chilling threat to those who would exercise their First Amendment freedoms in a manner unfriendly to the current administration or its friends.

ED SCHULTZ: Rev. Al Sharpton is fed up with Rush Limbaugh's blatant on-air racist remarks over the years. Last week he met with the FCC and asked them to take action, take a stand on Limbaugh. There will be public meetings.

. . .

AL SHARPTON: Well, first of all, we're not talking about censorship. We're talking about standards. [R-i-i-i-g-h-t.] And there are already standards in place. We're saying those standards ought to include those that in an explicit or even an implicit way practice racism or sexism or homophobia on the airwaves. And can you imagine the arrogance of saying federally-regulated airwaves should not be subjected to federal public hearings, so they should just grant licenses, allow people to say what they want?

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