
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More Stealth Reparations: Obama Enacts Van Jones' Indian Energy Policy

from Floyd Reports:

More Stealth Reparations: Obama Enacts Van Jones’ Indian Energy Plan

Posted on December 22, 2010 by Ben Johnson

by Ben Johnson

The Obama administration’s actions last week proved, although Green Jobs Czar Van Jones is gone, his ideology continues to guide the White House. Barack Obama called the leaders of American Indian tribes to Washington to witness him sign a UN treaty that, if followed literally, would return the entire continental United States to tribal control. He is not prepared to go that far, but he has made a down payment on the pledge by offering stealth reparations to the tribes in exactly the manner advocated by Van Jones.

Last Thursday, Obama held a summit with the tribal elders of 565 federally recognized American Indian tribes to sign the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. The treaty stipulates, “Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.” In essence, the president signed away the entire country.

Even the few conservatives who paid attention to the treaty’s dangerous language missed a significant element of the pow wow. The Energy Department’s website announced “the establishment of an Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs in order to more effectively engage tribal governments in our national energy priorities and promote tribal energy development.” Specifically, the office will fund “projects to improve energy efficiency and develop geothermal, solar, bio-mass and wind energy on tribal lands.”

Compare that with Van Jones’ infamous speech to the Powershift conference last year addressed to:

[O]ur Native American sisters and brothers who were pushed and bullied and mistreated and shoved into all the land we didn’t want, where it was all hot and windy. Well, guess what? Renewable energy? Guess what, solar industry? Guess what wind industry? They now own and control 80 percent of the renewable energy resources. No more broken treaties. No more broken treaties. Give them the wealth! Give them the wealth! Give them the dignity. Give them the respect that they deserve. No justice on stolen land. We owe them a debt.

Van Jones made clear the administration views these energy investments as a form of reparations to American Indians, a means to “Give them the wealth!” Although he resigned last fall, the Obama administration is pressing forward with the policy Jones outlined.

Why wouldn’t it? Van Jones was not hired despite his passion for racially motivated wealth redistribution but because of it. Barack Obama has made clear he shares this view. In August 2008 Obama urged Americans to acknowledge “our tragic history,” then intoned, “I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it’s Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.”

He appears to have no qualms offering your money as a form of stealth reparations to key Democratic constituencies. As this author has noted, the government’s settlements with “farmers” who allegedly suffered discrimination at the hands of the Department of Agriculture is another. Othello Cross, a lawyer on the Pigford case brought by “black farmers” against the USDA, admitted he knew of “hundreds” of cases of fraud. He estimated “about ten percent” of applicants had “never farmed in their life.” They merely took advantage of the low threshold of proof to qualify for a $50,000 settlement from the government. Cross said once an applicant staked a claim, it was virtually impossible to disprove. “How you gonna check them?” he asked. “All they gotta say is, ‘I attempted to farm.’” Cross said fraudulent applications numbered approximately 250 claimants in the state of Arkansas alone. The president is now pressing the government to make settlements with Hispanic and female “farmers” with the same criteria.

Viewing these policies together presents a White House obsessed with race, fueled by mythological grievances, and in control of vast sums of taxpayer dollars.

Without the admission of the Marxist former Green Jobs czar, Obama could have claimed the new tribal policy was merely an attempt to diversify American energy resources — rather than take advantage of America’s vast untapped oil and natural gas resources (not to mention coal and nuclear power). After all, on November 4th Jones admitted the administration “tried to pretend that what was going on was a market failure,” using subterfuge to push its cap-and-trade proposal. But his speech last year revealed the Energy Department’s actions last week as crass payoff politics.

Even a year after leaving the White House, Van Jones continues to expose Barack Obama’s radicalism.

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