
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Dream Denied: Border Patrol Agent Killed In Arizona

from Michelle Malkin:

Dec 15, 2010 (13 hours ago)A dream denied: Border Patrol agent Brian Terry killed in Arizona; Update: Several BP agents involved in gun battlefrom Michelle Malkin by Michelle MalkinMore horrible news from the southern border. One of the officers who put his life on the line to protect our security and sovereignty has been shot and killed.

Four suspects are in custody.

USA Today reports:

A Border Patrol agent was shot and killed Tuesday night near Rio Rico after encountering several suspects, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Agent Brian Terry was killed just 10 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, north of Nogales. Four suspects are in custody and one is being pursued, according to a press release from Customs and Border Protection.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office are investigating.

Meanwhile, Senate Democrats continue to push the pro-amnesty DREAM Act and security-undermining environmental land grabs.



The Arizona Republic updates the story with more grisly details — several BP agents were reportedly involved in the gun battle. But not to worry: DHS Secretary Clownitano is on the way!

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who had planned earlier this week to visit the border on Friday, apparently is moving her trip up a day because of the shooting. The Department of Homeland Security oversees the Border Patrol.

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