
Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama Regime Sends Federal Observers To Harass Arizona Poll Watchers At SEIU's Request

From Floyd Reports;
Obama Sends Feds to Harass Arizona Poll Watchers at SEIU’s Request

Posted on November 1, 2010 by Ben Johnson by Ben Johnson

As part of its traditional Friday news dump, the Obama administration announced the Justice Department will be sending “400 federal observers to 30 jurisdictions in 18 states” to oversee the midterm elections. Unfortunately, the feds will not attempt to keep illegal immigrants or fraudulent voters from casting a ballot; instead, they will harass poll watchers who try to assure everyone admitted to the polls is properly registered. Moreover, Obama is dispatching the observers at the specific request of the Hispanic political arm of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

The federal locusts who will descend upon America’s fields of suffrage will include 85 lawyers (“monitors”) and an additional 335 “observers” who will watch local officials “for a variety of potential infractions ranging from voter intimidation or coercion targeting voters because of their race, color, national origin, religion or language skills.”

That’s right; the monitors will make sure local election workers do not unduly burden would-be voters by asking for identification too often, or challenging the voting status of any one ethnic group more than any other. The action will bludgeon poll watchers into submission and ease the process for any illegal alien or fraudulent voter to cast a ballot.

CNN notes a number of DoJ attorneys have been assigned to Maricopa County, Arizona, the home of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Curiously, the announcement came one day after the Justice Department received a plea from an organization called Mi Familia Vota (MFV) for the feds to send agents to Maricopa County. (Others claim the Obama administration had decided to send agents to the area long before receiving the letter. The request simply provides the department with an additional level of local, “grassroots” cover.)

Eric Holder will undoubtedly try to portray his action as a response to a complaint from a civil rights organization. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mi Familia Vota is merely the political arm of the labor union closest to the president.


Mi Familia Vota is a wholly dependent project of the SEIU. Hunter Cantor has listed the “two” organizations’ undeniable connections: both are headquartered at the same physical location, and MFV’s website is owned and operated by SEIU. A 2004 SEIU report entitled Anatomy of an Election Strategy: The Facts on SEIU’s Role in Bringing Home a Victory for America’s Working Families noted the union uses MFV and another group called American Families United as tools to “shape the outcome of presidential election.”

To remove all doubt, MFV’s personnel is drawn from SEIU’s ranks. Mi Familia Vota’s executive director, Ben Monterroso, has worked for SEIU for more than 20 years, including a stint as “special assistant to SEIU’s executive Vice President Eliseo Medina as director of the Civic Participation Project aimed at increasing the political participation of immigrants.”

MFV’s treasurer is none other than Eliseo Medina. In addition to serving as SEIU’s International Secretary-Treasurer and honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, Medina was also a member of Barack Obama’s National Latino Advisory Committee.

It’s odd; it’s as if Mi Familia Vota and SEIU were one and the same entity.

MFV states its purpose is to “build power in Latino, immigrant and allied communities, and to ensure social and economic justice through increased civic engagement.” Stripped of its euphemisms, that means it intends to register as many people of Hispanic origin as possible and convince them to vote for socialism (sorry, “social and economic justice”).

To that end, MFV has submitted thousands of disputed, last minute voter registrations in Colorado and Arizona.

Eliseo Medina described the process last summer. Medina told a far-Left conference if liberals “reform the immigration laws – it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters. Can you imagine if you had even the same ratio, two out of three, if we get eight million new voters that care about our issue and will be voting, we will create a governing coalition for the long-term, not just for an election cycle.”

It would mean, in other words, the fundamental transformation of America.

Illegal Immigrants Allied with SEIU

Similar efforts are underway across the country. SEIU is spending $10 million to mobilize Latinos in California, alone, and much more nationwide, because the union believes “40 Competitive Races in 12 States Could Hinge on Latino Voter Turnout.” Altogether, SEIU and the AFL-CIO have pledged $88 million to the 2010 midterm elections.

Similarly, an organization called OneAmerica Votes is using illegal immigrants to canvass the state of Washington on behalf of Democrats. OV hosted a “New Americans Ballot Initiative Party,” where the group offered “Free food, music and other entertainment” to its often impoverished attendees before “educating” them about how to vote, then voting early en masse.

OneAmerica Votes, which was formerly known as “Hate Free Zone,” is financed by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Tides Foundation, Planned Parenthood, and (wait for it) SEIU.

OneAmerica boasts that it has received the “Community Strength Partner, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare 775 NW.”

OneAmerica CAIRs

OV also received two awards from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): the Voices of Unity Award from the national Council on American-Islamic Relations in 2003 and the Partner of the Year Award from the Seattle Chapter Council on American-Islamic Relations. The latter probably stems from the joint voter registration drive between OneAmerica Votes and the Seattle chapter of CAIR in 2004, known as the Muslim Civic Engagement Project. Altogether, OV claims to have registered “over 2,000 Muslims to vote; approximately 90% turn out to vote on Election Day.”

As Muslim voters and CAIR were to the war on terror, so are illegal immigrants in the war to institute socialism.

Feds Force Bilingual Ballots on Ohio

Another set of federal monitors is going to Cleveland to assure the city provides bilingual ballots to Puerto Rican voters who cannot speak English. The Justice Department surprised the city with the costly last-minute decision in August. “They just dropped it on us,” said Rob Frost, a Republican elections board member in the area. “They were essentially saying we’d like you to decide on this very quickly.” The Plain Dealer reported, “Cuyahoga County has the largest Puerto Rican community in America not served with bilingual ballots, the board of elections has been told by Justice Department officials.”

Under the Voting Rights Act of 1965, no Puerto Rican with a sixth grade education may be “denied the right to vote in any Federal, State, or local election because of his inability to read, write, understand, or interpret any matter in the English language.” Seizing on the fact that an alleged 6,000 Puerto Ricans have trouble with English, out of the 34,000 Puerto Ricans who reside in the area, the DoJ has forced the county to print bilingual ballots in Spanish or face a costly federal lawsuit.

While the law may require assistance to Puerto Ricans who are U.S. citizens, the most obvious beneficiaries to bilingual ballots will be Hispanics who hail from other nations — some perhaps here illegally. By pure happenstance, the state of Ohio has a U.S. Senate race and a governor’s race, and Obama has made multiple stops in the state that he sees as pivotal to his party’s future. (And where the Democrats are about to be blown out of the water.) In 2008, 67 percent of Hispanic voters supported Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.

Other federal monitors will go to South Dakota, where Democrats are offering “feeds” on Indian reservations before Indians cast an early ballot.

Additional states where feds appear poised to run interference for vote fraudsters include Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas. But federal attorneys are not the only ones headed to monitor the polls.

The Pink Black Panther Returns

In Houston, the head of the New Black Panther Party, Quanell X, has confirmed the Black Panthers will once again watch over polling places, as they famously did in 2008. The Obama administration’s decision to drop the case has emboldened them to continue hazing white voters and anti-fraud watchdogs. One such group, the King Street Patriots, has legally monitored polling places to assure ineligible voters are not voting. In return, they say they have been threatened and intimidated by everyone from voters to registered Democratic Party officials.

They asked the Justice Department to investigate the matter on their behalf. Good luck with that.

(Story continues after video.)

On election eve, SEIU and its allies use illegal aliens to canvass in sanctuary cities, register “new Americans” to vote in numbers so great the local registrars cannot properly assess their merits, offer all the free food and left-wing propaganda Hispanics or American Indians can swallow before marching the new citizens (and for all we know, non-citizens) off to vote. They requested, and received, federal lawyers to monitor concerned citizens who are doing what the federal government ought to be doing: leaving no doubt that every voter involved in our most cherished civic institution is acting in accordance with the law. At the last minute, they force the battleground state of Ohio to produce bilingual ballots — but only in Spanish. And they fail to prosecute a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party, enticing the party to send “observers” to the polls again this year.

The Justice Department, as all of the federal government, is one extension of Barack Obama’s will-to-power, enforcing his diktats and crushing his enemies. It appears this election is a pincers movement of SEIU-funded organizations rounding up the downtrodden (and probably ineligible) to vote, while Eric Holder’s clones make sure no one prevents them from doing so. It has every mark of an opportunity to steal the election outright.

The good news is, as Hugh Hewitt once wrote, If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat. And this election will not be close.

(Nonetheless, report any and all suspicious activity. And, if you are a legal U.S. citizen registered to vote, be sure to vote tomorrow.)

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