
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Left's Last Gamble

From American Vision:

The Left’s Last Gamble

By Bojidar Marinov
Published: November 24, 2010

XWelcome Googler! If you find this page useful, you might want to subscribe to one of our RSS feeds for updates on this topic and others.In the 1980s the Communist governments in Eastern Europe began to realize that they were losing power. The Communist grip on the minds of the people was loosening. The Communist public schools were failing to produce young people loyal to the Party and to the Marxist ideology. The populations in Eastern Europe were increasingly resentful of the dictatorships, and local bureaucrats in many places had trouble imposing their will on the reluctant people. Information about the West was penetrating the borders, and Marxism was considered a joke everywhere. Those more courageous were doing everything they could to run the blockade on the borders and flee to the West. The natural course of events was against the Communist dictators, and they knew their days in power were numbered. Marxism had lost credibility; and Communist governments were losing legitimacy everywhere.

So they decided to try the last gamble of all dictators: Provoke their populations to anger and ultimately insurrection. The ensuing chaos wouldn’t have restored the credibility of Marxism; but the dictators hoped that it would at least give their governments some “legitimacy” as “restorers of peace and public order.” Or, if it didn’t restore their legitimacy, at least it would destroy the legitimacy of the anti-Communist opposition. When everyone’s legitimacy is destroyed, then there are no absolute moral directives for action. And there is nothing that Communists do better than winning in a morally relativistic universe.

So the policy of “an iron fist in a velvet glove” adopted after the death of Stalin was gradually reversed. The iron fist was once again clad in an ugly spiked gauntlet. The first example was the Afghanistan war – a senseless war that didn’t produce any benefits to the Soviet regime or society. A whole generation of young people of all the nationalities in the Soviet Union grew in the fear that they would be sent to fight in Afghanistan. The Soviet government had the resources and the opportunities to withdraw at any time, but the war was used for provoking the populations to anger and fear. In addition to it, in many places in Eastern Europe governments re-directed food supplies in such a way as to deprive certain cities or regions of food – creating long lines of people waiting to buy basic foods. Other cities and regions were oversupplied, thus creating mutual resentment between groups of populations. In Poland, the government pulled all meat products from the market and started shipping them to the Soviet Union, thousands of tons by rail. When the Polish people revolted against this policy, the government imposed martial law, and requested “foreign aid” from other Eastern European nations, thus depleting their scarce supply of food. All throughout Eastern Europe Communist secret police and special forces (gendarmerie) could be seen patrolling the streets. The old curfews of the WWII were revived and enforced. The author of this article was in Potsdam, Eastern Germany in 1986, witnessing a column of almost 200 Soviet tanks parading down a busy downtown street in the middle of the day, blocking the traffic for almost 3 hours.

Faithful to its racist heritage, Communism didn’t hesitate to use the historic divisions or animosity between the different kins, people groups, nationalities, and races. Where such divisions existed, they were fostered even further by different kinist and racist theories. Where they didn’t exist, they were created. Under the pretense of “preserving ethnic heritages,” the 1980s saw the Communists emphasizing the ethnic differences and alternately oppressing and favoring minorities, thus encouraging mutual enmity and distrust between people groups.

In many places whole regions were deliberately harassed. In Bulgaria, my home country, the chemical factories of Russe, the fourth largest city in the nation, were set to full production mode without smoke- and fume-absorbing devices. For weeks a population of 300,000+ was literally choked by the unbearable concentration of acids in the atmosphere. The first revolt in Bulgaria in the fall of 1989 started right there, in Russe, and was crushed by the police with cruelty that reminded everyone of Stalin’s times. Whole populations were moved, or forced to do things repugnant to them. Private homes were seized for government purposes. Towns were evacuated and destroyed in large government projects.

Communist propaganda became even more disgusting, brazen-faced, and insolent. Even in the times of the perestroyka, the more Communism failed, the more the media praised its economic and social achievements. Everyone knew it was lies, including the propagandists. But the goal was not convincing people anymore, nor changing their minds.

The goal was to provoke them to anger, and ultimately to rebellion. The more abusive, openly lying, disgusting the Communist governments became, the better the chance for the people to revolt. The government had its human shields to protect it from such an insurrection – the police, the gendarmerie, the secret police. The goal was to get some of those human shields killed by those who couldn’t bear it anymore. Once some of the pawns got killed, the governments could find an excuse to use full-fledged violence against the “hooligans,” and thus destroy the opposition before it was too late.

Similar tactics were used by the British in America in the 1770s. The British government felt it was losing its power over the colonists, so it did everything it could to provoke them to rebellion, which could be crushed without a loss of legitimacy. The human shields, the agents of provocation were the British tax-collectors. Indeed, the first victims of the Revolution were not British soldiers, but British tax-collectors. Other dictatorships in history, when at the end of their ability to maintain their power, have used the same tactics.

President Obama and the puppet masters behind him are obviously resorting to the same age-old techniques these days.

This time the human shields are the TSA agents. The provocation is the new rules of airport screening.

Of course, there is nothing logical about it. Sexual molestation of little boys and girls contributes nothing to security. Porno scanners do nothing to detect explosives. It isn’t true that the scanners are safe, and there is no study that says that they are safe. TSA lies through its teeth when they say the porno scanners are safe. The humiliation of women and elderly people is deliberate – in fact, as becomes more and more obvious, it will accelerate to make sure more people get offended by it. It is obvious pilots don’t have to go through scanners – does a pilot really need explosives to crash a plane? It is a well-known fact that El Al offers a much better system that involves a fraction of the staff and an even less in terms of cost with a higher level of security. It is obvious good decent Americans – white, black, Hispanic, Asian – don’t need to be strip-searched as criminals. When was the last time a white, black, Hispanic, or Asian American blew up a plane? Or when was the last time a white-haired good old lady in a wheelchair blew up a plane? It is obvious TSA works frantically to protect the perverts among its employees – which means all of them – from any legal action involving their acts of perversion. And it is obvious that the porno scanners were part of a big scheme of corruption, putting even more of the tax-payers’ money into the pockets of Soros and Chertoff.

There is no logic in the actions of the present administration, and there is no logic in the actions and words of the TSA administration.

Or, rather, there is. TSA is on a mission: Get as many Americans mad as possible. Get them to hate the TSA agents to such a degree as to revolt. Maybe get a few of those TSA agents assaulted by those decent, freedom-loving Americans that can’t take it anymore. If possible, do it before the new Congress starts its session.

In addition to it, more and more the leftist establishment spews out disgusting propaganda and lies. Soros openly advises Obama to ignore the will of the American people and rule through executive orders, like a General Secretary of a Politburo. It goes against the very meaning of America, and it certainly doesn’t make Soros more popular, but his goal is not popularity anymore. He is there to provoke America to anger. Warren Buffett sends a “thank you” letter to the administration that makes the majority of the financial and business professionals in the US wonder if the old man has been smoking something really strong these last weeks. There is not a single point in the actions of the Federal government in the last two years that had any visible positive impact on the economy. So what is Buffett thanking for? But again, logic and truth are not his goal. It’s all part of the greater plot to make us all angry, to make us revolt and give the Federal government that legitimacy that it is lacking. What’s missing is Bill Gates’ presence in the media to tell us how many millions of jobs were created by the closing of tens of thousands of businesses in California due to the environmental protection laws.

MSNBC, CNN, and other Communist media keep saying things that are outrageously untrue, and in fact deliberate lies. And one of the pawns of the establishment just said the other day, publicly, that he wants to see FCC close FoxNews. In the name of Marx and Engels, and Lenin, he forgot to add.

In the midst of all this Obama is silent about the porno scanners and the humiliation millions of Americans are going through at the airports. He is instructed by his masters to remain silent so more people get angry and (hopefully) revolt.

Their hope is that a few TSA agents will be assaulted or worse. Then, the leftist establishment hopes to have its lost legitimacy back.

But they are mistaken. Americans may revolt – or they may decide to use the peaceful political process that is so terrifying to the leftist establishment these days. There may be insurrection, or civil disobedience – or there may not be. But even if the hopes of the leftists come true, that won’t create legitimacy for their agenda. It didn’t in Eastern Europe. It didn’t in the American Revolution. It never does. People never forget who started the provocations. Eventually those that live by the sword die by the sword.

The Bible tells us that no matter how powerful those earthly powers are, God laughs at them from His throne. As long as there are a handful of Christians willing to stand against the tyranny and injustice, leftists’ plots will be thwarted and defeated. Obama, Soros, Buffett, and the other leftists better learn their history quick, before it’s too late.

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