
Friday, November 26, 2010

Fourteen Lessons I've Learned About Survival

From Lew

14 Lessons I’ve Learned About Survival

by M.D. Creekmore

The Survivalist Blog

Recently by M.D. Creekmore: A Guide to Survival Food Storage in Ten Easy Steps

In early 1988 I first heard the word survivalist from my then girlfriends father when he gave me several books related to survival including back issues of Kurt Saxons now defunct The Survivor newsletter.

Within two days I'd started my food storage program (25 lbs of dried beans) since that time I've manageged to build my preps up to an acceptable level (despite having to start over more than once) but along the way there have been many challenges and I've learned from each, so today I thought I'd create a list of 14 things, I wish someone had told me in when I started.

1. You Can't Do It All At Once

This is a mistake that I, and I'm sure many others have made when starting out, we want to get it all done – yesterday. You run around all frantic, shaking and scatter brained determined to become prepared for a major disaster within a week of starting. But all you end up doing is wasting money and time. Relax, make a plan and work toward your goals and you'll get there sooner than you think.

2. You Don't Have To Be Rich

By reading some survival blogs (know who you are) and books you get the expression that you need to spend $100,000 to reach a suitable level of preparedness. Unfortunately, this causes many to give up before they start. You don't have to prep like the rich – you just need to prep smart.

3. Make Your Own Plan

No two survival plans will be exactly the same – granted there will be some semblance but each will have to be different to meet the needs of the individual. For example, I often suggest wheat as the backbone of the survival food storage plan but a small percent of the population are allergic to wheat and will need to store other foods in equal or greater value. You need to take a long look at your location, skills and needs and plan accordingly. Make your own plan.

4. Preparedness Isn't Measured By How Many Guns You Have

I'm sure many of you have made this mistake. When I started prepping I worried more about finding the perfect survival gun and building a battery than building my other survival preps. Guns are fun and it is easy to get lost in the appeal just don't let other areas of you preps suffer while you try to build your dream arsenal.

5. Skills Are More Important Than Gear

We've all heard the expression "he who dies with the most toys wins," I'm still trying to figure out what the winning prize is. I have nothing against using the latest technology and gear – just don't depend on it. Things break, get lost, stolen or don't work as intended. Your most important piece of survival gear is your brain – learning survival skills should be your number one priority.

6. You're Not Rambo

Most of the Rambo want to be's won't last long. Many new survivors fall into what I call the Rambo mind-set, they can't wait for the collapse and breakdown of law and order, then they will take to the woods and engage in one firefight after another. They see themselves as the ultimate killing machine taking down the bad guys in a burst of gunfire.

7. Get A Life

Preparedness is a serious business and it is easy to become obsessed – don't do it. I love learning new skills, reading survival books and planning for different possibilities and all this takes a lot of time, but I've learned that unless I take time off the rest of my life tends to fall apart. Go see a movie, spend time with family and relax. Then when you come back to all this you will do so with a fresh and rested mind which will allow you to get more done and make fewer mistakes. The key is balance.

8. Don't Just Read About How To Do Things

Most books on survival and self-reliance are never read or used. They are bought, flipped through and put away – never tested or learned from. This is a mistake. Read the books, study and try it for yourself. This is the only way to learn and know what actually works.

9. Have A Backup Plan

When I started prepping I thought all I needed to be prepared was a full pantry. We have all heard the warning "don't put all your eggs in the same basket" this is good advice in life as well as in survival planning. To many things can go wrong and probably will. You need a back up plan, which brings us to our next point...

10. Remember The Number Three

You need to have at least three independent sources to meet all of your essential survival needs. Let's take for heat, you could have a wood stove, propane heater and cold weather sleeping bags. Power might consist of a back up generator, small solar set-up and a stockpile of disposable batteries. Food could include in home food storage, home garden and secret cache in a secure location a way from home.

11. Include Your Family

If possible get your family on board so your prepping becomes a family affair, where you all can learn and spend time together. A family working together toward their preparedness is the best survival group. For example, take a first aid class, hunter safety course, self-defense class, or shop course together. Try to make it fun, interesting and include your family as much as possible.

12. Diversify (learn different skills)

Diversification ties in with number nine and ten above and the age-old advice of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Learn as many survival skills as possible. Being a master gardener for example is a great skill that can be made even more efficient by also learning to keep what you grow. An expert trapper can increase their chance of survival by also learning to find eatable plants. You get the idea.

13. Try To Do Something Every Week

The "what did you do to prep this week?" segment is included here to keep everyone motivated toward this end. At one time my preps were random – one week I would do a lot and the next two or three nothing. By setting a goal of doing at least one thing each week you will meet your goals earlier and be more efficient doing it.

14. Eat What You Store

Most of us have been guilty of this at one time or another, we fill our pantry with unfamiliar foods, thinking we will adapt our diet "when the time comes" but this is nonsense. You need to learn to prepare and use your storage foods now so they become familiar. What are you waiting for get cooking...

Write your own "lessons" list and let us know about it in comments below. If you enjoy this list you might also like to subscribe to my email updates to keep up to date on more posts like this on prepping and survival. Also, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

November 26, 2010

M.D. Creekmore [send him mail] is a full-time blogger and preparedness consultant. He currently lives completely off-grid somewhere in the Appalachian mountains and is currently working on his upcoming book The Dirt Cheap Survival Retreat for Paladin Press. To connect with M.D. Creekmore please visit his Survival Blog.

Copyright © 2010 The Survivalist Blog

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