
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Democrats Take Stalin's Dictum Of "It's Not The Votes That Count. It's Who Counts The Ballots" To Heart, Keep Finding Uncounted Ballots

From CIR and Floyd Reports:

To aggressively combat Soviet like Democrat voter fraud deem ballots “found” after 48 hours fraud

By Coach Collins, on November 23rd, 2010

By Kevin “Coach” Collins

Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin is reported to have said, “It’s not the votes that count. It’s who counts the votes.” Democrats have been using this tactic to steal elections long enough; it’s time put an end to these un-American attacks on our liberty.

Congress has to deem ballots “found” 48 hours after polls have closed, in federal elections, to be legally considered fraudulent and put the burden of proving otherwise on those who “found” them. “Finding” ballots that magically appear and swing elections to Democrats has to be made a thing of the past. This is not how American elections should be decided.

With numbing repetition over the last decade we have witnessed close races go to Democrats when “additional” ballots were “found” days and sometimes weeks after Election Day.

Each election district in America has someone assigned to it. Accepting the assertion that ballots, whether cast on Election Day or cast via mail, can get “lost” stretches what can be expected of honest adult behavior. How often can your dog eat your homework?

Over the past several years Florida, Connecticut, Minnesota and Washington State to name a few, have given us headlines like:

“500 uncounted ballots found in Palm Beach County;”

“Bag of Uncounted Ballots Found in Bridgeport;”

“171 uncounted ballots found in Ramsey County [Minnesota]”; and

”Uncounted ballots discovered in Washington State.”

These “miraculous” discoveries never seem to help Republicans. The Left’s

‘We’ll keep counting until the Democrat wins’ approach to stealing elections just can’t be tolerated anymore.

What to do?

It’s time for our conservative Republican House to take action to protect the integrity of federal elections and set a standard for State’s to follow as they conduct their own elections.

We can and must pass legislation legally naming these miraculous “discoveries” the frauds they are. We have to immediately begin the process to legally turn the tables and force the Left to defend each of these ballots before they can be accepted and counted.

If government can tell us a letter dropped into a post box is immediately deemed to have been legally received by the addressee, it can deem ballots “found” days after the polls have been closed for 48 hours to be fraudulent.

If government can tell us we must sell our property and move because we have to yield to eminent domain, it can deem ballots “found” days after the polls have been closed for 48 hours to be fraudulent.

Forty eight hours is plenty of time to cover legitimate oversights; any longer has to be construed as fraud and treated as such.

To read more about this story use these links:

This day in history November 23

1863: the Battle of Chattanooga began. Over the next three days, Union forces drove Confederate troops away from Chattanooga, Tennessee, into Georgia, setting the stage for Union General William T. Sherman’s triumphant march to the sea.

Remember we have work to do. Join your local TEA party and Republican County Committees to make sure real conservatives get our nominations.

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