
Monday, November 29, 2010

The Democrat Way: Voter Fraud And Cheating In NY1 Congressional Race

From Fire Andrea Mitchell:

10:32 PM (2 hours ago)The Democrat way – Voter Fraud in NY1 congressional racefrom Fire Andrea Mitchell! by adminIt’s the progressive liberal Democrat way of winning an election. If you aren’t in a craphole of a district that’s already heavily Democrat, rig elections to win! That seems to be what’s happening in the last House congressional race that hasn’t been decided as of yet. Right now the Republicans are at a gain of 63 House seats, with NY1 still up in the air. Fox News investigation has uncovered evidence of voter registration illegalities, including one voter who apparently voted twice. The candidates in this race is far left Democrat Tim Bishop and Republican challenger Randy Altschuler.

A Fox News Voter Fraud Unit review of approximately 438 of the absentee ballot voters, who also maintain mailing addresses in New York City, reveals that 48 have double registrations. They voted by absentee ballot in Suffolk County, but are also listed as current “active” voters on the New York City rolls. Being registered in two separate jurisdictions is illegal and is a felony in New York State.

In addition, our investigation reveals that one absentee ballot was apparently submitted in the name of a Democratic voter enrolled in Suffolk County, while election records at the Board of Elections in New York City show that the same voter voted, on Election Day, in Manhattan.

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