
Sunday, October 31, 2010

We Have Audio Of "Corrupt Bastards" In The Media Conspiring Against A Candidate

From Fire Andrea Mitchell:

Sarah Palin: We Have Video of “Corrupt Bastards” In Media Conspiring Against Joe Millerfrom Fire Andrea Mitchell! by adminThe tape Sarah Palin is referring to is this. CBS’s station in Alaska KTVA reporters were caught on voicemail conspiring against Alaska Senate Candidate Joe Miller. Palin, who appeared on Fox News Sunday this morning wasn’t too pleased (needless to say). I heard a lot of head explosions of progressive liberals after Palin made these statements, surely as it gets played over and over again, more will pop.

“Just last night it was revealed that the rally that I had for Joe Miller on Thursday, it was revealed and we have the tape to prove it, that the CBS reporters, the affiliate in Alaska, conspired to make up stories about Joe Miller. We have the tape Chris, and I can’t wait until it busts out all over the nation, that shows what it is that we… kinda what I put up with for two years now from the media… but what Joe Miller is faced with in someone like Lisa Murkowsky who feels so entitled to that seat, that she and some of her people including some complicit in the media will do anything, they will stop at nothing, to allow Lisa Murkowsky to get back elected.”

I am saying that we have on tape the CBS reporters in the affiliate up there in Alaska saying, “Let’s find a child molester in the crowd as a supporter of Joe Miller. Let’s blast that. Let’s concoct a Rand Paul moment there. Let’s find any kind of chaos so we can tweet, “Ooh, there’s chaos. Joe Miller got punched.”” That’s sick. Those are corrupt bastards, Chris.

I don’t know how much the media in Alaska is going to suppress this controversy, so it reminds to be seen how much of an effect this has on Tuesday’s elections.

3:41 PM (6 hours ago)Joe Miller Campaign responds to CBS KTVA attempted smear attackfrom Fire Andrea Mitchell! by adminNow that the cat is out of the bag, the CBS channel in Alaska KTVA has been forced to admit that the voice mail recording left for a Joe Miller campaign worker did come from one of their reporters and did include part of a conversation strategizing their coverage. However, as is typical for the progressive liberal Democrat cowardly media, they deny any wrongdoing. The Miller campaign released the following statement today after news broke about CBS KTVA’s attempt to smear Joe Miller:

Now the media has gone from trying to create stories to openly lying. The audio was pulled directly from the voicemail message. Nothing was altered. “Everything that was recorded on my phone is what we released without change,” said Randy Desoto.

And, related, from Gateway Pundit:

1:09 PM (9 hours ago)Alaska KTVA: We Stand By Our “Corrupt Bastards” Who Conspired Against Joe Miller (Video)from Gateway Pundit by Jim HoftAlaska CBS affiliate KTVA defended their “corrupt bastards” on staff who conspired against Republican Joe Miller. The reporters were caught on tape planning to report scandalous stories against Joe Miller. The audio of their conversation displayed the shocking level of bias and corruption in this Alaska media outlet.

The station stood by their “corrupt bastards” today:

KTVA defended their corrupt bastards today saying:

“While the recording is real, the allegations are untrue.”

Released October 31, 2010: 9:17 a.m. (Alaska Standard Time)

A press release issued Saturday October 30, 2010, by the Joe Miller campaign claims that KTVA personnel, “openly discuss creating, if not fabricating, two stories about Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Joe Miller.” KTVA General Manager Jerry Bever says, “It’s unfortunate that this recording has happened. It’s unfortunate because it does not accurately reflect the journalistic standards of our newsroom and the garbled context will no doubt leave more questions than answers. The Miller campaign’s analysis of the recording is incorrect in many material ways ranging from personnel involved in the conversation, the interpretation of conversation snippets and the reported transcript of the perceived garbled conversation.”

“While the recording is real, the allegations are untrue,” said Bever. “The recording was the result of a cell phone not being hung up after a call was placed to Randy DeSoto, Joe Miller campaign spokesperson, Thursday afternoon to discuss Joe Miller’s appearance on that evening’s newscast. That phone call was placed near the end of a coverage planning meeting in our newsroom regarding that evening’s Miller rally in downtown Anchorage. The group of KTVA news personnel was reviewing potential “what-if” scenarios, discussing the likelihood of events at the rally and how KTVA might logistically disseminate any breaking news.”

Bever continues, “The perception that this garbled, out of context recording may leave is unfortunate, but to allege that our staff was discussing or planning to create or fabricate stories regarding candidate Miller is absurd. The complete conversation was about what others might be able to do to cause disruption within the Miller campaign, not what KTVA could do.”

While Bever would not discuss any personnel issues linked with the recording, Bever says “Have we had internal discussions about the level of professionalism we need to bring to our conversations, internally and externally? Of course we have, this is a lesson to learn from.”

Sorry, KTVA. That doesn’t make any sense

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