
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today Is the Third Annual Climate Fools' Day

From The American Thinker:

October 27, 2010

It's Climate Fools Day Today

Thomas Lifson

Today marks the third annual observation of Climate Fools Day, which was named by protestors outside the British House of Commons on 27th October 2008 when the House was debating a Climate Bill.

In the UK this year, those marking the event plan to inaugurate an annual "Ernst-Georg Beck Award for Scientific Integrity and Competence" (BASIC). It is proposed to name this 'BASIC' award after Ernst-Georg Beck to honor a man of great scientific integrity and to bring attention to the fact that some 80,000 accurate carbon dioxide measurements were conveniently left out of the UN IPCC documentation. The presentation of the prize is timed to also celebrate that noble achievement of the CRU whistleblower who one year ago altered the course of modern climate science (and possibly of history) by bravely risking his career to leak the 'Climategate' emails to the world.

It is time for this event to spread to America.

Posted at 01:01 AM

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