
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama Calls On Illegal Immigrants To Fight

From Floyd Reports;

Illegal Immigrants for Obama

Posted on October 26, 2010 by Ben Johnson by Ben Johnson

In a desperate push to keep the Senate in friendly hands, Barack Obama took to the airwaves of Univision Radio on Monday and encouraged Hispanic voters to join him in his plan to “punish our enemies.” It appears Hispanics have sunk to the challenge. Among the most motivated members of Obama’s nightmare coalition are those who have no right to play any role in the American political process, or even to be in this country, generously financed by Democrats and their political allies.

Last Thursday, Obama campaigned for Democratic Senator Patty Murray in Seattle, and across Oregon, delivering a speech noted for its fearmongering. The Associated Press reported Friday that “dozens” of illegal immigrants are crisscrossing Seattle to campaign for Democratic U.S. Senator Patty Murray. Dozens is putting it modestly. All told, “About 150 volunteers rolled out in nine cities across Washington this past week, knocking on 3,000 doors.” AP credits the pro-illegal immigration organization OneAmerica Votes with launching “one of the largest get-out-the-vote campaigns in the state on behalf of Democratic candidates.”

In its grand tradition of missing the forest for the trees, the dinosaur media have focused on individual foot soldiers like Maria Gianni, one of the illegals in the Seattle GOTV drive. Gianni told reporters she feared being asked about her immigration status and being deported, “But if there’s a change, I would feel like I contributed, even in a small part, to a change we all need.” In some quarters, Gianni is being hailed as a fearless hero braving arrest for her beliefs – although Seattle is a sanctuary city that provides free health care to illegal aliens. She and other illegals need not fear that the law will halt their interference in another country’s political process.

Bribery and Voter Fraud

And it appears American liberals feel no guilt bribing them to do so. OneAmerica hosted a “New Americans Ballot Initiative Party” in Seattle last Monday, offering “immigrants” a variety of enticements to vote for the Democrats. The meeting will begin with “details about the ballot initiatives facing voters this fall and…their impact on immigrant communities across the state. Free food, music and other entertainment will be provided as new Americans and their allies celebrate the democratic process by casting their ballots together.” (Emphasis added.)

The Democratic Party itself has hosted a number of “will vote for food” events on three South Dakota Indian reservations. Sharron Angle has accused Sen. Harry Reid of giving away free food at similar early voting events in Nevada. Silver State officials have decided to look the other way, although Nevada Revised Statutes 293.700 states: “A person who bribes, offers to bribe, or uses any other corrupt means, directly or indirectly, to influence any elector in giving his or her vote or to deter the elector from giving it is guilty of a category D felony.” Indeed, it seems it may be illegal not to vote for Reid. Local news reports show early voters in Boulder City, Nevada, who came to elect Angle found their ballots already marked for Harry Reid.

The OneAmerica Votes early voting event, its use of illegal aliens, and widespread reports of voter fraud raise the question of whether illegal aliens may be part of a voter fraud effort by the Democratic Party. Illegals have been known to vote in the past. On Election Day, two cities – San Francisco and Portland, Maine – will vote on proposals that would formally allow illegal immigrants to vote.

Until illegals are granted amnesty or vested with formal suffrage rights, left-wing organizations appear to be registering phantom voters, whose role on election day is played by illegals. Obama’s closest labor ally, SEIU, is working through Mi Familia Vota, an organization that has submitted thousands of disputed last minute voter registrations in Colorado and Arizona. Labor unions have undertaken the heavy lifting of Hispanic outreach, legal or otherwise:

“Without unions such as the Service Employees International Union and a network of nonprofit organizations, “there wouldn’t be a meaningful Latino voter mobilization effort,” said Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, which is working with Latino organizations on turning out the vote.”

“The SEIU is sinking $10 million into California alone, while the other groups are spending more than $5 million, according to the organizations.”

The Democratic National Committee refuses to confirm how much it has spent on Hispanic outreach in 2010. (It spent $20 million in 2008.) However, Latino voter “enthusiasm” has risen 18 percent over the last month, according to a poll conducted by Latino Decisions. Frank Sharry had a role in the poll.

The importance of the Hispanic vote cannot be underestimated for the Democrats’ hope to maintain political power. The Washington Post noted last Tuesday, “Hispanic voters could swing key midterm races, group finds.” An SEIU/America’s Voice press release claims, “40 Competitive Races in 12 States Could Hinge on Latino Voter Turnout.” Democrats frankly admit their hopes rise and fall on identity politics:

“The party absolutely understands the importance of the vote, as a base vote and a vote that was very decisive the last time around,” said Fernand Amandi, vice president of Bendixen & Amandi, a leading Hispanic polling firm that worked with Hillary Clinton during the presidential primary and with Obama during the general election.”

Amandi added, “It is a statistical fact that the Florida vote in 2008 was decided by the shift in the Hispanic vote.”

Obama, Labor Exploits the Hispanic Vote for a Permanent Left-Wing Majority

Much more is at stake than the 2010 elections, Democratic electoral dominance, or even the integrity of the American vote. The Left openly states it hopes to exploit Hispanic voters to create a permanent, left-wing electoral majority within the United States. SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer and honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America Eliseo Medina let the cat out of the bag last summer. Medina, who was also a member of Barack Obama’s National Latino Advisory Committee, told a far-Left conference if liberals “reform the immigration laws – it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters. Can you imagine if you had even the same ratio, two out of three, if we get eight million new voters that care about our issue and will be voting, we will create a governing coalition for the long-term, not just for an election cycle.”

(Story continues after video.)

Barack Obama longs to legislate his belief that “Being an American is not a matter of blood or birth.” Since he lacked the votes for amnesty even with a lopsided Democratic majority, Obama has granted de facto amnesty to many illegals in anticipation of congressional action, passive aggressively creating the crisis conditions that he hopes will force lawmakers to pass “comprehensive immigration reform.” He has proven so successful, illegal immigrants who left the United States during the 2008 recession are returning.

As the media ignore the facts about Seattle, they obscure the larger picture about this election. Non-citizens are the firewall the Democrats are relying upon to maintain their vice grip on power until they can fundamentally transform America. The Obama administration dangles the enticements of the world’s greatest gift – American citizenship – and increased welfare spending while his Big Labor cronies finance, fund, bribe, or cajole them into electoral activity. Their combined efforts threaten our constitutional system of government.

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