
Friday, October 29, 2010

Democrats Killing Our Liberty; Massive Voter Fraud Reported In Eight States (So Far)

From Red,White, Blue News and Floyd Reports;

Democrats killing our liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states(Video)


We Are Trying to keep up with all the voter fraud allegations that is happening in several States. Two high powered Democrats in Florida were just arrested for Election fraud. The press release seems to forget to mention their party affiliation but they are democrats. (See Below For Updates)

We also have SEIU (Union Thugs That back Obama) fixing the ballot machines in Nevada….Might explain why Harry Reid’s name was pre-checked on ballots. Are You Kidding Me???? SEIU Fixing Ballot Machines, they may not have the same definition of “fix” as you and I do.

RWB News: We understand why Democrats feel they need to CHEAT, but our question is: Why is nothing happening to them when they get caught? These should be news stories that run nonstop at least at the state level until people are behind bars. Americans should be outraged when we see these groups tampering with our sacred electoral process, and we don’t even get an investigation. Pure In-Your-Face Corruption.

I know the Liberals will say “But this is Fox News.” Prove them wrong. Please!


ARIZONA: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned Arizona’s requirement that people show proof of citizenship to register to vote.

The split decision by a three-judge panel determined that the requirement to show proof of citizenship — passed by voters in 2004 — is not consistent with the National Voter Registration Act.

Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested Wednesday on charges of absentee ballot fraud and voting violations.

Nevada–A contract between SEIU Local 1107 and Clark County — where voting glitches were reported Tuesday — makes the SEIU the sole union representative for, among other professions, voting machine technicians.

LAS VEGAS — Some voters in Boulder City complained on Monday that their ballot had been cast before they went to the polls, raising questions about Clark County’s electronic voting machines.

Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid’s name was already checked.

NORTH CAROLINA-Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.

Even More “In Your Face, What can you do about it” corruption from the State Run Media and the “New” Democratic Party. Part II in two days.

RWB News: Mi Familia Vota, the radical far left group owned by SEIU that turned in 3000 ballots in the final hour in Arizona. At last count 65% of those ballots were invalid due to the registrant not being a citizen, a wrong/invalid address, or a false signature. Now the same group was just caught with 6000 invalid ballots in Colorado — another state where the elections are tight.

Obama in 2009 “SEIU Agenda is my Agenda” (Love the Purple SEIU Button on his jacket. Isn’t this the guy who had issues wearing the flag pin?)

As Reported by The DenverPost

A federal judge declined to force the secretary of state to reactivate approximately 6,000 new voters whose registrations were canceled under Colorado’s 20-day rule.

In a decision issued Monday, Senior U.S. District Judge John L. Kane denied a motion for a preliminary injunction that was requested by several labor and voting-rights groups.

When a new voter registers in Colorado, the secretary of state mails a nonforwardable notice of disposition that the voter’s registration has been received. If the notice comes back undeliverable in the mail, then clerks deem the voter’s registration inactive within 20 days.

Melody Mirbaba, an assistant attorney general, argued that the 20-day rule is designed to stop voter fraud and duplicate registrations.

James Finberg, an attorney representing voting and labor groups, said voters are harmed because sometimes the voter cards are returned through no fault of their own.

He said some voters have filled out their address incorrectly on forms; clerks sometimes make errors when inputting the new data; and postal workers also make mistakes in delivering the voter cards.

But Mirbaba argued that inactive voters can still show up at the polls and vote on a provisional ballot until their addresses can be verified…

…The motion for the preliminary injunction is one of several federal challenges regarding purged voters filed against the secretary of state by Common Cause of Colorado, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund and the Service Employees International Union.

More “In Your Face, What can you do about it” corruption from the State Run Media and the “New” Democratic Party

RWB News: As a law-abiding American I am stumped on what can be done with all the voter fraud being committed by the Democratic party, a Liberal media that fails to do their job reporting it, and the most corrupt White House I have ever seen in my lifetime.

Is anything going to happen with the Democratic party in South Dakota that are luring potential voters to the polls with free food and rides? Of course not! “In-your-face” corruption and nothing can be done.

What is happening with the MAJOR voter fraud case in Houston? Nothing! A big Obama activist is connected in this scandal. They did arrest an 81-year-old lady in this matter…guess she was the ring leader…what a joke.

Are they going to do anything about the High School in Ohio that loaded up 3 bus loads of students, drove them to the polling stations, handed them Democratic sample ballots and then REWARDED them with ice cream after the vote? Nope…”in-your-face” style.

Is Winston-Salem State University going to remain as an early-voting site after they were caught sending e-mails promoting Democratic candidates in the general election? Sure they are “in your face” corruption.

Lets not forget about Michelle “my bell” Obama talking to voters INSIDE a polling station about voting for her husband…. She has an excuse though….. She is a “lawyer” that says she didn’t know the law…”In your Face” America.

Now we have another so-called “unbiased” news source The Yuma Sun praising two organizations Mi Familia Vota and One Vote Arizona for going door to door and submitting more than 3,000 voter registrations in Yuma County right before the deadline for registering voters. The groups submitted over 20,000 registrations statewide.

What they failed to mention is that over 65% of these last-minute registrations were invalid due to the registrant not being a citizen, a wrong/invalid address, or a false signature. The web-site domain for Mi Familia Vota (, created Aug 14, 2006) is and has been officially owned and registered by the SEIU. All contact names/addresses/email for the domain are listed as part of the SEIU in Washington. Pure thuggery and corruption.

As Reported By The Gateway Pundit

Yuma County is located in Arizona’s 6th District. Currently, far left Arizona boycotter Rep. Raul Grijalva is caught in a tight race with Republican rocket scientist Ruth McClung. A few thousand votes could change the outcome of the race between the popular rocket scientist Ruth McClung and the socialist boycotter Raul Grijalva.

Publius Pundit reported this on the suspected voter fraud.

The Yuma Sun is reporting that two organizations — Mi Familia Vota and One Vote Arizona — submitted more than 3,000 voter registrations in Yuma County, and more than 20,000 voters statewide. Even more, they have signed up 43,000 people statewide for the permanent early voter list.

What they didn’t tell you is that voter fraud on a massive scale could be taking place, ostensibly to help Raul Grijalva keep the congressional seat he holds by stealing the election.

Here’s what the article doesn’t tell you, by a source in the Yuma County Recorder’s Office:

These 3000 voter registration forms were all dropped off at once by the one group on the deadline to turn in voter registration forms.

Almost all of the registrations were for the Democratic Party, a statistical improbability at best.

Today, these same 3000 newly registered voters — as a group — had papers dropped off at the Yuma Recorder’s office requesting to be signed up for the permanent early voters list… which means the ballots will be mailed early, with no accountability.

The Yuma Recorder’s office is checking the voter registration forms and have found that already more than 65% of them are invalid due to the registrant not being a citizen, wrong/invalid address, false signature, etc. Mi Familia Vota is a wholly-owned SEIU sub-organization. It is just as “non-partisan” as ACORN was before documented fraudulent behaviors finally killed it.

Hunter Cantor’s Corner documented Mi Familia Vota’s ties to the radical SEIU:

The web-site domain for Mi Familia Vota (, created Aug 14, 2006) is and has been officially owned and registered by the SEIU. All contact names/addresses/email for the domain are listed as part of the SEIU in Washington.


Domain name:

Administrative Contact:

Domain Manager (

Fax: +1.2027307304

1800 Massachusetts Ave NW

Washington, DC 20036, US

** From and the SEIU web-site respectively, the physical addresses listed for the two organizations refer to the same office address. 3707 N 7th Str, Suite 100, Phoenix AZ. Even before Oct 2008, when Mi Familia Vota was finally formally registered in Arizona, the web-site versions as far back as at least 2007 refer to this same SEIU Arizona address as the formal address for MFV. Physical Street Address for Mi Familia Vota and SEIU Arizona.

** The Arizona incorporation filing for Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, which is its formal name, shows that it was registered as an Arizona foreign (meaning not from Arizona) Corporation, as a Washington entity with two names, “Mi Familia Vota Education Fund” and “America’s Families United, Inc,” both registered with an agent in Washington as “Lichtman, Trister et al,” an attorneys office specializing in non-profit registrations. Both registered to the attorney’s address of 1666 Connecticut Ave, N.W. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20009. Registering Mi Familia Vota as another version of “America’s Families United, Inc,” another SEIU organization, makes it seem to the Arizona Corporation Commission, where the company has to be registered, as if there is a level of legitimacy about it. SEIU is not mentioned on the papers filed at all. However, the Arizona “agent” for Mi Familia Vota, which is required for registration in Arizona, just happens to be listed as Carlos Duarte, 3707 N 7TH ST STE 100, PHOENIX, AZ 85014. Same SEIU address as listed above, where Carlos Duarte’s formal job is as the SEIU Arizona State Chapter Coordinator.

Mi Familia Vota along with the SEIU and America’s Voice launched a Spanish-language radio ad in six states in September, highlighting Republican opposition to the DREAM act, among other issues.

UPDATE: The Nogales International reported that these far left groups are putting voters on a permanent early voters list so that they can mail in their ballots.

“We’re targeting low-propensity, Latino voters,” Wihtol said. “We’re trying to get them on a permanent early voters list, so they just have to mail in their ballots. That’ll make it easier.”

County Recorder Suzie Sains said as of Wednesday, 4,386 Santa Cruz County residents were registered to vote in the upcoming election by early, mail-in ballot. During the May election, 68 percent of the 3,790 people who received ballots in the mail returned them, she said.

Popularity: 31% [?]

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