
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Warning From Thomas Sowell

From The American Thinker;

September 28, 2010

A Warning from Thomas Sowell

Anthony Kang

Frankly, there aren't enough words or superlatives in the English dictionary to describe the great Thomas Sowell. With an unparalleled gift to explain even the most complicated subjects in simple and easily understandable terms, few can match the pedigree and contributions of the Hoover Institute senior fellow. Author of the new book, "Dismantling America," Sowell recently sat down for an interview with Investors Business Daily's David Hogberg. And along with a few priceless jabs at Michelle Obama, sociology, Newsweek, and the public education system, Dr. Sowell discussed why he (like Niall Ferguson) believes America may be entering a prolonged period of decline.

"The only analogy I can think of from history is when the Norman conquerors of England published their laws in French for an English-speaking nation," Sowell says about the Obama administration's governing style, a style he characterizes as unconstitutional.

As someone who, if forced to, would label himself as more libertarian than conservative -- though he has irked many with his support of American combat missions in Iraq -- most noteworthy (and a bit shocking) about the interview is what Sowell believes the greatest threat is -- terrorism, Iran's nuclear ambitions and the international scene. Questioned as to what some of the current markers of national decline are, it isn't "huge bills that fundamentally change the way the economy operates," reckless government spending, social engineering programs and the national debt which worry the economist the most, it is national security and President Obama's foreign policy.

And Sowell makes a few not-so-subtle Neville Chamberlain analogies that are almost impossible to ignore:

Of course, the one that trumps them all is on the international scene. That's where Iran is moving toward nuclear weapons. I'm just staggered at how little attention is being paid to that compared to frivolous things. If a nation with a record of sponsoring international terrorism gets nuclear weapons, that changes everything and it changes it forever.

Someday historians may wonder what were we thinking about when you look at the imbalance of power between the U.S. and Iran, and we sat there with folded hands and watched this happen, going through just enough motions at the United Nations to lull the public to sleep. That, I think, is the biggest threat.

Sowell also condemns the president for affronting our allies (in particular, the British and Israelis) in "clever" yet unmistakable ways the general public may not notice, further hastening America's decline:

His first foreign policy gambit was to fly to Russia and offer to renege on the American commitment to put a missile shield in Eastern Europe...All he really got out of that was a demonstration of his amateurishness and of his willingness to sell out allies in hopes of winning over enemies. That ploy was tried in the 1930s and didn't work all that well.

These are no ordinary times, with no ordinary president. Leading up to the historic "Hope and Change" election, commentators on the Right could not possibly have attacked Obama and his intentions to fundamentally change the identity and economy of America more than they already had. Even so, not only has President Obama fulfilled every single "fear-mongering" indictment down to a tee, he's exceeded them -- making even some his most extreme opponents look clairvoyant. So with keeping that in mind, and considering all the new challenges we face domestically, that one of the greatest economic minds of our time would still elevate national security and terrorism to such a level truly speaks volumes about the reality and situation of Iran.

Also citing the lack of expertise and national discussion in international issues, former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton confirmed to Greg Gutfeld that he was seriously considering a presidential run on Red Eye last week. Bolton-Sowell 2012? One can only dream. But hey, if a community organizer can get elected, why not someone with ten times the accomplishments and wisdom?

Follow Anthony Kang on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Posted at 04:37 PM

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