
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do You Think One Vote In November Will Restore Freedom? How Many Are Prepared For The Long Road Back?

From The Post & Email and Liberty Pulse:

Do You Think Your Vote in November Will Restore Freedom?


by Ron Ewart

Is each vote actually counted? Are voting machines constitutional?

(Sept. 23, 2010) — “Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.” – Thomas Jefferson

Way too many Americans dwell in la-la land, on either side of the political spectrum. Naiveté is the rule rather than the exception. Truth is all but obscured by lies and propaganda from both parties.

It took over 100 years to destroy freedom, from “carry a big stick” Roosevelt, to “16th Amendment” Wilson, to the ”New Deal” FDR, to the ”Great Society” Johnson, to the “inept and outright mentally challenged“ Carter, to the “I did not have sex with that woman” Clinton and now to the ”Great Socialist Transformation of America” Obama. Does anyone think that one vote in one election cycle can restore liberty? If they do, naive isn’t a strong enough word to define their mental state. It’s a start, but it is a long road back to freedom.

Even if the Republicans take back the House and the Senate in November, what will that change? The lust for power in a Republican is just as strong as the lust for power in a Democrat. That’s human nature. The only thing that can offset the lust for power in a politician is the greater power of the “Consent of the Governed” who demand freedom.

How many unconstitutional laws that have been passed in the last 100 years, will be repealed in the next session of the Congress, if the Republicans do take back both Houses? And can they override a presidential veto? Probably not. Obama won’t stand for wiping out his socialist agenda and legacy, while he remains president.

How many U. S. Supreme Court decisions in the last 100 years can be overturned, decisions that acted contrary to literal constitutional interpretation? Will the decision in the 1880′s by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and the Dean of the Harvard Law School, that changed constitutional adjudication from strict interpretation of the Constitution, to adjudication by evolving case law and court precedent, be overturned? A draconian decision, in-aptly named “Positivism”, that turned the Constitution into a “living document” instead of a fixed set of principles for the foundation of liberty.

Will the Republicans be able to repeal or de-fund Obama care? Will they open up America’s energy resources to truly get us off foreign oil? How many bloated bureaucracies will they disband? Will they kill, repeal or dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency that has designated CO2 a pollutant, or the Occupational Safety and Health Act that takes 30 pages to define a ladder, or the Endangered Species Act that has decimated private property rights, or UN Agenda 21 policies that have sent freedom into the scrap heap, or the Department of Energy that has a $24 billion annual budget and 16,000 employees, or the Department of Education that has taken public education out of the hands of local jurisdictions and placed it squarely in that seed of corruption, Washington, DC? Will they repeal treaties that act contrary to the Constitution? Can the Republicans restore freedom with legislation? Hardly!

But the bigger question is, can any politician or group of politicians be able to break apart the structures of industrial and financial power that have been built up around a powerful government? Can they for example, limit the power of corporations and the giant industrial complex? Can they roll back the power of the unions? Can they ward off the power of the national and international money changers and power brokers that influence government decisions? The answer of course, is no. Only the people, en masse, can undo that power, if they are of one mind.

The road back to freedom can only be taken by those Americans who demand freedom, no matter what the cost. If elections won’t restore freedom, are there other peaceful ways to reclaim our Constitutional Republic, when the nation is so divided between the millions who want something FROM government and those other millions who want to be left ALONE by government? Can freedom be restored without violence? We teeter on the brink of enslavement and revolution. An ill wind could determine which way the teeter totter will fall.

And even more complicated than the method to restore American freedom, is to define what freedom really means in the year 2010, when over 300,000,000 Americans now reside in the 50 states. In our first revolution to establish freedom, there were only about 3,000,000 people in 13 loosely-knit colonies who claimed to be Americans and wanted to BE Americans, not British subjects. And even just a small portion of those 3,000,000 were willing to take up the sword and the gun against the dictatorial rule of King George III. That small portion won liberty for all Americans. Will a small portion of our 300,000,000 people again be required to restore freedom? And will that small portion be enough to override the power of the masses that now demand all kinds of goodies FROM government, paid for by the fruits of production and those that are responsible for that production?

It must be realized that our enemy is not so much the tyranny of government, as it is the scourge of dependence on government. With dependence comes strings. With strings comes enslavement. To be free of government tyranny we must be independent, self-reliant, self-sufficient and responsible for our actions. Secondly, if we want to be able to trust government, we must become trust worthy ourselves. History has proven, time and time again, that a people and a government devoid of honor, will fail.

So no! One election victory this November will not restore freedom. Only a collective realization by millions of Americans that freedom has evaporated and must now be reclaimed by whatever means, will start us on the road to freedom. The damage that has been wrought against freedom must be unraveled. The mindset of those Americans who find themselves dependent on government and are satisfied with that dependence, must be altered. To be free of government, we must be stronger than government and we must be of one mind in our determination to break the shackles that government has placed upon us. Freedom is a powerful stimulus and it can be infectious, if freedom is the engine that drives our souls.

Yes, we encourage all freedom-loving individuals to vote this November, but that one vote will mean nothing unless those individuals then make a parallel commitment to continue the battle to restore our Constitutional Republic and regain the great spirit that thrives under the umbrella of American freedom and exceptionalism. The fate of a free America is in the hands of those who cherish freedom and are willing to go the extra mile to secure it.


Ron Ewart is President of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO)

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