
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Dead Just Keep On Voting

From Red State:

The Dead Just Keep On Voting

Posted by Thomas R. Spencer (Profile)

Tuesday, September 28th at 10:17AM EDT


Isn’t modern medicine wonderful? A hundred years ago, the average life expectancy in the United States was 47 years. In 2009, the federal government recently announced that it is 78 years. And, now, in an age when NASA has machines roving Mars, many states are extending the voting life of citizens for years after they are medically pronounced dead.

There are 116,000 dead eligible voters in Massachusetts. And in Florida, one major newspaper recently investigated and reported that almost 15,000 dead Floridians are still hanging around on the election rolls – just six weeks before one of the most vicious and important election cycles in our history. Can it be the sun? Most States have similar statistics. Every two years, states must report to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) information about the integrity and accuracy of their voter rolls. The latest report is not good news for our democracy – or our international reputation. South Dakota, Texas, Kentucky, Mississippi and Indiana report in excess of a dozen counties with more registered voters than breathing human beings old enough to vote. West Virginia, Maryland, Iowa and North Carolina also reported having eligible deceased voters on their rolls. The list goes on and on. And so does the real risk that these voters will have illegal votes registered in their names. Close races, like the Franken/Coleman race in Minnesota can be decided on just a handful of votes. We may have to go to purple thumbprints at this rate. Hugo Chavez must be howling at this American disgrace.

Democrats seem to be suspiciously inept at cleaning out the rolls. The Ohio Secretary of State is not at all anxious about the fact that nearly 5,800 departed Ohioans are still registered to vote. A partisan Democrat, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is more concerned about the living – Spanish speaking only voters. She has cooperated with the Department of Justice to force Cuyahoga County to spend $500,000 on bilingual ballots to accommodate about 6,000 non-English speakers.

In November, 2009 political appointee Julie Fernandes reportedly told the entire assembled Department of Justice Voting Section that the Obama Administration would not enforce the list maintenance legal requirements of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act. Fernandes reportedly said, “we do not have any interest in enforcing that part of the law.” Given the example of Obama vs. Arizona, one might assume that supervisors of elections are thinking hard about actually enforcing federal law over the objection of, dare I say it … federal officials of the voting section of the Department of Justice.

Indeed, if you happen to be in a Democrat-led state, with major cities and states with a record of vote-fraud – like Missouri, the Obama DOJ will happily dismiss lawsuits where there are actual admitted violations of the law, like the New Black Panther case. Last year, it accommodated Missouri for failing to purge its voter rolls even though a third of its counties had more registered voters than voting-age residents.

This scandalous outrage must be cleaned up immediately. Otherwise, we run the real risk that Secretary of State Clinton will report us to the United Nations. Like the poor folks in Arizona, local citizens and groups around the country who may have to organize, sue and act aggressively to put the dead to rest, politically speaking. The Motor Voter Act provides that ordinary citizens can sue to force a clean-up of the voter rolls. We could call it a Motor Voter Militia. Of course, you have to be living to sue. Given the abundance of legal talent now tapping their fingers in unemployed America, this might be a new growth area for our red-meat Barristers. There are even some 1-800 numbers still available.

Tom R. Spencer is a Republican lawyer from Florida

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