
Monday, August 9, 2010

The Violent American Future

From Lew

Marc Faber: Protect Your Property with High Voltage Fences, Barbed Wire, Booby Traps, Military Weapons and Dobermans

by Mac Slavo


by Mac Slavo

Recently by Mac Slavo: Marc Faber and Mish on Inflation, Deflation, Doom and the End of Civilization

Investment guru and publisher of The Gloom, Boom and Doom report, Marc Faber, regularly discusses investment strategies for protecting and building wealth during times of economic distress. He has recommended purchasing gold, silver and foreign assets because of what he perceives to be an impending economic catastrophe in the United States.

He’s suggested that war, including traditional international conflict, civil war and non-traditional terror strikes, may eventually affect the United States and potentially turn it into what would could be perceived as a third-world country. Even if the US were to avoid a war on our own soil (which is unlikely according to Faber), the economic crisis will lead to serious problems for citizens by driving most into bankruptcy through hyperinflation of the US dollar, forcing most to literally fight for food and resources – thus he sees social unrest and riots on the horizon.

In addition to investment advice, Marc Faber also provides practical advice for those looking to preserve their well being. His advice is often looked at as a joke, but make no mistake, Faber is totally serious, even if he has a grin on his face when he says that the world as we know it is coming to an end.

In his latest GBD Report, Faber again advises those with the means to do it, to leave urban areas and seek safety in rural, country areas, preferably farms, and to be prepared to defend that land in the event the worst happens:

Faber has an interesting suggestion for investors if the plunge comes to pass.

With tongue apparently in cheek, he says buy a farm you can tend to yourself way out in the boondocks. And protect it with high voltage fences, barbed wire, booby traps, military weapons and Dobermans.

source: Money News

For those expecting a full-fledged recovery to take hold and new highs in the stock market, be careful. Marc Faber on markets:

The market is overbought, and there is a renewed sense of complacency that could get shattered pretty quickly.

While the stock market is not a clear-cut measure of the health of an economy, most Americans watch only the Dow Jones to determine the state of affairs. According to many, all is well. The Dow Jones is back over 10,000 and the depression, as President Obama himself has said, has been averted.

Those same perceptions will shift on a dime if the stock market were to collapse yet again – which in our view, is likely going to happen.

Though the stock market itself will not be the responsible for a hyperinflationary collapse, the resulting government intervention in terms of massive monetary expansion (like we saw after 2008) could very well lead to Marc Faber hyperinflation scenario somewhere down the road.

In a recent interview on CNBC, Marc Faber sees the crisis accelerating and the-powers-that-be have only one solution they’ll use to try to save the system:

The Fed would continue to monetize and this is my view. They will never let up. They will print and print and print, until the final crisis wipes out the entire system.

The Federal Reserve with its policy and with the writings and papers that Mr. Bernanke has published about the great depression that more quantitative easing will be forthcoming. And significantly more.

Significantly more.

The take away from Faber? As he’s stated before, it’s going to end in total disaster and you must own gold and land.

And if you do happen to make it to the boondocks (or are already there) in the worst case scenario, consider the thousands, perhaps millions who will be migrating out of major cities in search of food, clean water, resources and a safe place to sleep.

Perhaps having several hundred feet of barbed wire stored up in the barn out back isn’t such a bad idea.

Reprinted from SHTF Plan.

August 10, 2010

Mac Slavo [send him mail] is a small business owner and independent investor.

Copyright © 2010 Mac Slavo

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