
Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Process Of Revolution, Part One

From Liberty Defense League:

The Process of Revolution, Part 1

Thu, Aug 12, 2010

Political Philsophy, Timothy Baldwin

by Attorney Timothy Baldwin

Freedom mostly—if not only—comes by revolution. Revolution is the change of political power from one to another. In the case of America’s founding, power transferred from Great Britain to the individual States of America. Inevitably, revolution results in the division and separation from that form or system of government causing the plight. Rarely, if ever, does freedom come by gradual progression. Just the opposite: tyranny comes by gradual progression. Of course, revolution does not have to be violent and only becomes violent when those in control of the existing government forces its will upon those who would chose to be free from its dominion. When a people attempt to be free from a system of government which they deem to be destructive to the ends and purpose of government, those who demand their allegiance and loyalty only heighten the problem and exacerbate the resentment of the people. Consequently, revolution is the result of a government which rules in a manner inconsistent with the principles of a free society, enabling the people to choose different forms of government under different constitutions.

The United States of America is in such a process and has been for generations. Meanwhile, the most sincere and intelligent have written and spoken extensively on the U.S. Constitution, trying to explain the essential components of its nature and character, in efforts of providing an effectual remedy of the form, laws and procedures that are pushing the revolution at an increasing rate. Astute authors have written on the paradoxical character of the constitution as one being unknown to those who are “under its control” and yet supposedly being the best in the world. Millions of words have been written in the attempt to provide the answer to what the constitution is, how it is to operate and how freedom is to be restored through it. Yet, after two hundred and fifty years of political process and societal change, the questions have never been resolved. Even worse, the decline of freedom falls even faster, despite the plethora of knowledge on the subject.

The reason is open and obvious. A constitution will only reflect the philosophical and moral state of the society at large. Where society does not believe in and operate according to natural laws of God and rights of man, then the government (which is to be bound by the constitution) most certainly will not govern in a manner consistent with the underlying foundations of natural law which forms the constitution. The further in time and spirit society is removed from the principles forming the constitution, the more impossible it is for the constitution to serve as an adequate limitation on the government ruling those people. This is the reason why large societies can hardly—if ever—remain as a free Republic. It is an inevitable reality of human nature, and societies should act accordingly to this fact. The more societies refuse to govern themselves under these maxims, tyranny will become proportionately or even exponentially entrenched.

Most societies never learn this truth, and they suffer as a result. America is no different. It is a hard reality to accept that forms of government must be changed to meet the natural makeup and composition of societies as they grow and change, since this implies and necessitates hard work, knowledge, education, fortitude, resilience and structural change and separation to societies’ unions and constitutions. Human nature ironically holds on to the very form of government which causes the demise many say they despise. At last, real remedies are ignored until the pressure reaches an explosive point of violent revolution. Those societies that are intelligent and smart enough to proactively plan for changes in constitutions, societies and forms of government will preserve freedom through peaceful revolution. This plan is fought against, of course, by those interested in universal union and commerce and those higher powers, as they force the status quo against those crying out, freedom for a change!

America’s history proves this much and serves as a lesson to determine where we are in the process of revolution. Recognize first that the colonies had a British Constitution which had been enacted over several hundred years of debating and fighting for fundamental rights. Consequently, the British Constitution of the 1770s was considered to be one of the best in the world, having separation of powers, checks and balances, trial by jury, right of habeas corpus, due process, elections, and the guarantees of the rights of Englishmen, not to mention one of the best economies in the world. The colonies operated independently of Great Britain relative to their internal affairs and relied on Great Britain regarding their external affairs. Thus, the British Constitution operated in a federalist nature. Those in both America and Great Britain cherished their constitution and their individual rights. The British Constitution was worthy of loyalty, devotion and allegiance. Government violations of the constitution were not considered binding laws, but usurpations on the rights which they all shared. On this ground, they all stood.

Certain questions then should be raised at this point regarding the manner in which the American colonies remedied their political struggles with Great Britain. Why did the American colonies separate themselves from the best constitution the world had ever seen? Did the American colonies violate the Supreme Law of the Land by separating themselves from a constitution which was designed to protect and preserve freedom? Why did the American colonies not attempt to use the constitutional process more than they did (they declared independence after only eleven years of “serious” conflict with Great Britain)? Were the American colonies bound to operate under the British Constitution? Were the American colonies justified in seceding from Great Britain? Were the American colonies or was Great Britain the cause of all the deaths during the war? By separating from the British Constitution, were the American colonies lost without the ability to form their own constitution on principles conducive for their freedom?

All of these questions, and more, reach the heart of the issues regarding revolution because revolution always involves a conflict between an established system of government verses the natural rights of societies to govern, protect and perfect themselves, regardless of what a constitution purports to mean. Indeed, history, science and nature reveal that at some point, constitutions ironically become the very source of societies’ political problems. Consider this: what is the source of which the federal courts have used to opine in opposition to what you consider to be constitutional?—the source that Congress uses to regulate matters which you may consider to be unconstitutional?—the source that the President uses to implement executive orders, treaties and laws that you claim oppose the constitution? Their source: the United States Constitution. While many would claim that the power wielded by the federal government is unconstitutional, such persons fail to realize that the very document that they claim is violated is the same document that generations of politicians in the federal government have used to possess this power; it is the very same document that generations of Americans have implicitly or expressly consented to as being the supreme law of the land in its then-and-now form.

How can vast and numerous societies remain free with such a disparity in discernment and perspective under one constitution? Since when could 400 million people across and beyond an entire continent be governed under one central government? It is impossible. Rome tried but naturally failed: its vast population,[1] diversity, complexity and territory were the germinating seeds waiting to burst forth with growth of separation and division—thankfully so. The current composition of the United States union will be no different. We are not immune from those natural laws that govern all societies in every generation.

The reality is, several revolutions have already taken place in the United States, which have accomplished the goals of centralization of power and incorporation of nationalistic principles. Admittedly, those battles have been won and established. The success of these revolutions are evidently shown and proven. Consequently, many people in America feel helpless, hopeless and impotent, becoming obstacles to the process of revolution which will prove to burst forth. The continued success of the current tyranny is doomed for destruction as the process of revolution continues to naturally unfold. It behooves those men and women of freedom to assist in the destruction of this current reign and to do their duty to man and God.

Read parts 1,2.

Copyright © Timothy Baldwin, 2010


[1] A high estimate of the population of Rome estimates a population of 14 million at its zenith.

[2] Moses Coit Tyler, American Statesmen, Patrick Henry, Vol. 3, (Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1899), 329.

[3] James K. Hosmer, American Statesmen, Samuel Adams, Vol. 2, (Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Col, 1899), 243.

[4] Ibid., 194

[5] Ibid., 192.

[6] Ibid., 193.

[7] Ibid., 193-194.

[8] Ibid., 233 (emphasis added).

[9] Ibid., 216.

[10] Ibid., 242 (emphasis added).

[11] Ibid., 283.

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