
Monday, August 9, 2010

Defending Liberty

from Big Government:

Defending Libertyby Bob Owens

Over the course of the past week I’ve written several entries that have infuriated the would-be tyrants among us.

•A Nation on the Edge of Revolt warned that “either the American people—not extremists, but good and decent patriots like your neighbors and yourselves—will revolt and destroy the ruling class and reform our government based upon first principles, or the United States we know as our forefather conceived it is dead.”

•Closer to Midnight attempted to answer a veteran’s question about why patriotic Americans that value our First Principles should prepare for a possible conflict if the corruption of our government cannot be tamed at the ballot box.

•We Get Letters! and We Get (More) Letters! chronicle the typical threats issued by followers when they cannot intellectually defend their unconstitutional actions with a reasoned justification for their behavior.

•The Edict-Makers notes the continued destructive path of the would-be ruling class, and the abuses they would heap upon the Constitution and citizens in their desperate quest to grab more power for themselves.

•Pre-Revolutionary, last but not least in this series of posts, highlights the revelations of experienced Democratic operative Pat Caddell as he notes the fracturing of his party and the attempt of the elites in the party to rule instead of serve the American people.

It will come as no surprise at all that those institutions and individuals that serve as adjuncts to the would-be ruling class have attacked this series of posts.

Media Matters attacked them twice. Conservative media figures openly discussing revolution…again places me among the company of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh as some of the conservatives in the media that note well and understand this point in history… though they obviously offer their own spin to evoke a response from their readers.

Wash. Examiner’s Owens suggests right-wing violence will be necessary, hopes we “feel threatened” is their same-day response to Closer to Midnight (link above), partnered with a none-too-subtle attempt to pressure the Washington Examiner into silencing me and others who would raise the alarm about the constitutional abuses and usurpations being orchestrated by their masters.

Other leftists have followed the lead of Media Matters, and continue down the path of disinformation they hope will help them divide and conquer this nation’s citizens.

At left-wing Daily Kos, “bernardpliers” attempts to claim that I advocate ” an explicitly racial war.” The author selectively drops quotes from this blog in this entry, and of course, not one of them supports anything at all like a conflict driven by concerns over race. Only the left is concerned with race. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the post concerns itself with noting possible points of division within the various groups opposing their encroaching tyranny, instead of attempting to defend their actions and goals.

The “divide and conquer through race” strategy is nakedly on display at Balloon Juice as well, where “Dennis G.” makes his attempt to claim that opposition to would-be ruling class machinations are nothing more or less than an attempt to revive his vision of the Confederacy of the Civil War.

This axis of weevils may be blatantly dishonest, but they have a clear agenda. They would like to portray opposition to their plans as racist. They would like to portray political and media figures (even admittedly minor ones such as myself) that stand in opposition to their usurpation of liberty as neo-confederates, attaching the stigma of slavery and defeat to their opposition. It is a clever rhetorical device and an emotional one. It will succeed in inflaming the easily led, but the primary goal of this attempt at labeling their opposition is to try to silence the good and decent people who recognize our present Constitutional crisis, and would stand against it.

So let us take on this attempt at division and deception as directly as possible.

Liberty is colorblind. It does not see in shades of yellow or beige or brown or black. Liberty speaks without accent, and with all of them. It cares not whether your ancestors hail from misty islands, verdant savannahs, frigid steppes, or tropical jungles. Liberty is liberty, freedom of men and women, freedom of thought, freedom of the spirit, and freedom from constriction and stasis, that all real men and women crave like water or air.

We care about liberty. We are devoted to our nation, because we acknowledge and weigh its faults and superlatives, and know that we represent the best hope for true freedom and equality mankind has to offer. We are not blind to the mistakes and evils of our collective past; we seek them out, and overcome them. We will not be guilted into becoming a second-class nation because some choose to cling to division as a method of control.

We are revolutionary. We are evolutionary. We look to restore the government to its proper role, as servant of the people. It must once again be made into a precision instrument that empowers, replacing this corrupting enterprise that seeks to punish and enslave the people for the enrichment of the self-styled elite.

Good men and women know that the story of these United States is far from over, and we will not accept the leftist trope that our nation’s best days are behind us. We are a nation of incredible ingenuity, kindness, and hope. We are a nation of dreamers, but we are also a nation of action.

We will not be guilted into silence, nor bullied into becoming a lesser state.

We will not stand by and trade the bright future of our nation for the weight of oppression, and we will not be silenced or defined by those comfortable in their chains.

Feel pity for the poor souls who wallow in the misery of mediocrity and unrequited dreams, but refuse to be defined by them. We are Americans, citizens of the United States, defenders of liberty and represent the best this world has to offer.

And we will never accept being anything less.

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